The myth of Businessman Trump has collapsed


  1. substandardrobot on

    He was never a businessman. He ~~was~~ is a conman that used weak bankruptcy laws and access to easy loans to enrich himself and walk away from any financial burdens.

    Let’s not start acting like the guy’s anywhere near the business titans that have icon status in the capitalist world.

  2. Trump just proved that so many loopholes exist in the capitalist model that a con man can continue to rip off the public indefinitely long and convince the rubes its good business.

  3. armchairmegalomaniac on

    “How to become a billionaire” by Donald J Trump:

    Step 1: Have your KKK daddy give you $400 million

    Step 2: Lose all of it

    Step 3: Go to the Russians who bail you out of your crappy investments so that you make back some but not all of your losses

    Step 4: Lie like crazy to your rube followers that you are a billionaire even though you’re worth far, far less than that

    Step 5: Grift, grift, grift

    Step 6: Keep lying because even after all that grifting and treason, you are still NOWHERE near being a billionaire.

  4. Starbucks__Lovers on

    If he took his inheritances and invested all of it in the S&P, he’d be one of the richest people on earth

  5. Independent-Bug-9352 on

    You bankrupt a casino — where the house always wins — then I’m afraid you’re a failed businessman.

    The manchild originally claimed he could fund his own campaign in 2015 hasn’t contributed jack shit. For example, actual billionaire Michael Bloomberg threw a billion dollars in his primaries run in 2020.

  6. I’d say it collapsed somewhere around his first bankruptcy several decades ago, but ok.

  7. Trump supporters always fall back to this excuse when presented with reality: “he’s a businessman.” And American worships businessmen.

    Breaking Trump’s reputation as a businessman would be the best way to break his cult.

  8. Wow. And here I was thinking he was a loser since before he played a shitty businessman on TV…

  9. We aren’t out of the woods yet; the MSM is still acting like trump is sane and a viable candidate for the presidency. Makes me sick

  10. Pretty sure that the casinos were strictly there to launder money and running them properly was never the intention.

  11. Americans say they want a businessman to “run the country like a business”, but Trump didn’t run a publicly traded company that built value for investors. He ran a private company for his own benefit. He used questionable tax claims to get more money for himself. He sometimes didn’t pay contractors in full, because he could get away with it. Why would any reasonable person think that a businessman who worked to benefit himself and his family, would suddenly work to benefit society? Trump ran a charity where he collected money and then made charitable donations in his own name.

  12. The only business acumen he has is how to con others. That’s it. Want to know how I know this? Fraud convictions, multiple bankruptcies, countless failed ventures and not a single successful startup he’s backed or actually started himself.

  13. MyDarlingCaptHolt on

    His supporters literally do not care about any of this.

    All they care about now is hurting their fellow Americans. That’s it.

    And the only thing we can do about it, in addition to voting glue, is to cut every Republican out of your life.

    Do not allow them in your homes.

    Do not hire them.

    Do not go into Republican owned businesses.

    Leave one star reviews for all Republican-owned businesses.

    Tell everyone exactly why you will not have anything to do with Republicans.

    We do not accept people who replace reality with ” alternative facts”.

    We won’t allow people in our homes or near our families if they think it’s not just acceptable, but presidential, to grab women by the pussy.

    Republicans have chosen the path of the Nazis, we choose the path of Aldo Rayne.

  14. AFlockOfTySegalls on

    It is incredible to me that anyone ever bought this myth. Why? Because he played one in a poorly made reality TV show?

  15. In 1992 (yes, 1992!) a friend I worked with said he thought trump would be a good president; all his business connections and making deals, etc. I said let me look at that.
    Found out then how he was having financial disasters, threatening to sue everyone, regularly not paying his bills, treatment of women. And threatening to sue the L A school board so he could put up a 125 story high rise at the old ambassador hotel.
    I came back and told him, “no”

  16. God you suck WaPo. It was never a myth. It was a con. He’s been failing at business always.

  17. Not amongst the people that will vote for him it hasn’t. They are either utterly ignorant of reality, and believe him to be his Apprentice persona,or worship him as the second coming.

    And for the rest of us, this myth collapsed in the 90s.

  18. He’s a testament to how thoroughly the U.S. version of capitalism is designed to help rich people stay rich. If we had the version of capitalism that economic conservatives claim that we have (or should have), then Trump would have gone completely broke decades ago and no one would remember his name today.

    No economic system based on merit, skill, and innovation would have rewarded Trump with anything. He’s a reminder that few conservatives believe in the things they actually claim to believe about how the economy should work. They move the rhetorical goalposts because otherwise rich people wouldn’t support them.

  19. Gold-Judgment-6712 on

    Anyone who still believes in Trump after all he’s done, will never change their opinion. They have left reality behind a long time ago.
    The largest numbers of his supporters are people who will vote for anyone Republican, no matter. It’s a religion for them. We can only hope that there are enough sane people left to make sure he never becomes President again.

  20. SnoopsBadunkadunk on

    Sadly, it doesn’t matter. His voters will not be moved, they’ll just switch to a different justification. What matters to them is, defeating Dems, because “LiBeRaLs DeStRoYiNg MuRiCa!11!!” To get through, it will take something that breaks this collective delusion that Dems are destroying America.

    How about we just keep pointing this out to them:
    *Number of times conservatives have accused liberals of destroying America: 859,215,714,705
    Number of times America has been destroyed: 0*

  21. He was never a legitimate businessman. I watched a friends 3 generation family business lost to doing work for Trump. Bid on contract, awarded contract order thousands of dollars in materials to do the work, 3-4 months in when first payment is to be received from Trump, he renegotiates terms of contract when business owner is already committed to thousands in materials and now labor. Payments are delayed and refusal to pay due to complaints on performance to contract. 3rd generation of business forced to close and liquidate to meet their obligations. Trump claims he is a successful businessman. This was from back in the 80’s. I truly hate the man.