World is ‘less safe than ever’ amid rise of authoritarian sowers of chaos: Trudeau


  1. The legitimacy of Western government claims to authority regarding rules and order has completely evaporated over the last year. Those days are gone.

  2. The right has discovered that they can accomplish a lot if they just stop following the rules, one of the very things that has helped the west get to where it was. 

     I’m not sure how you put this genie back in the bottle but it doesn’t help that we have more channels than ever to ferment and perpetuate rage farming and polarization. 

  3. The reality is people don’t follow rules (Russia, India, Trump). It’s similar to what happened in WW2. If we yield, then we lose.

    A line has to be drawn and it has to be fiercely enforced. When dogs get out of line, a “please” doesn’t suffice.

  4. dingobangomango on

    >The answer to the aggression of countries like China and Russia is to reinforce the rule of law and the international order, Trudeau told a federal inquiry into foreign interference.

    We are entering a period in history where the West is no longer the centre of the world. It’s something that we are struggling to cope with.

  5. Comments like this are just dumb, the world is safer than it has basically ever been, especially in the West. For the vast majority of human history significant numbers of men have died via warfare and very significant numbers of women have died via childbirth, both of those numbers are magnitudes lower now. Not to mention the also very significant number of people that no longer die from easily curable maladies because of modern medicine.

    Authoritarianism is a very bad thing and should be countered at every turn, but telling lies about the state of the world doesn’t help anybody

  6. The retreat of the USA and the rise of the Multipolar world is a lot scarier and more dangerous than we had reason to believe. A lot of the commenters here would just dunk on us for what has happened, but in doing so deny agency to many states and non-state actors who are taking advantage of their growing wealth, influence and military power to try to change the status quo through threats and acts of violence. We would do well to remember that states like Saudi Arabia, Iran, China, Russia and now India have gone beyond just being rivals who wish us ill, but have actively threatened our state and people.