Winamp deletes entire GitHub source code repo after a rocky few weeks


  1. > Less than a month later, that repository has been entirely deleted, after it either bumped up against or broke its strange hodgepodge of code licenses, seemingly revealed the source code for other non-open software packages, and made a pretty bad impression on the open-source community.

    Open-sourcing a project (especially those that use external packages) is a pretty annoying process. It’s a lot more complicated than just…releasing the code, which the Winamp team basically did. 

  2. great_whitehope on

    Isn’t there already an open source clone for Linux?

    I’ve tried going back to winamp a couple of times but UX design has moved on a lot from those days

  3. immodest_escort on

    The “write code for us but only we can benefit” license. Wonder how this will pan out for them.