Trudeau tells inquiry some Conservative parliamentarians are involved in foreign interference


  1. ClassOptimal7655 on

    Any more conservative commentators want to explain to me why Pierre doesn’t need his security clearance and how this is all made up by Trudeau?

    Given the numerous sources of evidence indicating that foreign Nations like India and China have directly meddled within the conservative party. Is it not concerning that the leader at that party is choosing to ignore evidence of this and choosing to take no action?

    It really feels to me like Pierre is putting Canada second over his own ambition, he doesn’t care what foreign power supports him as long as he gets the power he so desperately craves.

  2. The fact that the federal Liberals were entirely unconcerned with the large polling deficit clearly indicated that they had an ace up their sleeve that’s going to virtually eradicate any chance of them losing the upcoming election. Clear evidence of the Conservatives engaged in foreign interference absolutely qualifies.

  3. Just_Another_Staffer on

    It’s truly remarkable that the PM was entirely unaware of Liberals parliamentarians involved in foreign interference, yet is acutely aware of Conservative parliamentarians involved in the same thing.

  4. SnuffleWarrior on

    Perhaps this is why Trudeau isn’t as worried about the next election as his back benchers. The question may be, where does Poilievre fit into this?

    This could get pretty juicy at some point. 🍿

  5. That is *explosive*. 

    If true, that Poilivere is the only member of the party who is in a position to get the proper clearances to recieve and act on intel, then the final piece of the puzzle for why Poilivere has refused clearance has fallen neatly into place…

    Coupled with what we now know about the governments actions, where they took appropriate measures to block vulnerable MPs from security sensitive positions, it is looking very clearly like the Conservatives rhetoric around foreign interference has been projection.

    Not a good look for the CPC. Not a good look at all.

  6. Legitimate_Park_2067 on

    Wouldn’t those who are a threat to Canada, those involved in interference be arrested? Why would the Liberal government “sit” on the knowledge, but then take no action on foreign interference ?

  7. PatriotofCanada86 on

    When the whole pot and kettle joke gets a little too real.

    Now we get to see them spar.

    Pot vs kettle the battle of the century.

    Brought to you by foreign influence via lobbying a proud supporter of Canadian politics.