1. Nicely done.

    > On Wednesday, the British Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office issued a statement saying India’s co-operation with Canada would be the “next right step.”

    > “We are in contact with our Canadian partners about the serious developments outlined in the independent investigations in Canada. The UK has full confidence in Canada’s judicial system. Respect for sovereignty and the rule of law is essential,” the statement read.

  2. Nice to see our allies cooperating with us. The Indian government stepped way out of line here.

  3. RickySpanishRS on

    Here is a possible theory: 

    India hasnt been cooperating with NATO on few issues e.g. Buying Russian Oil during Ukraine invasion. US knows very well that in fifty or hundred years India could take more and more independent positions or could even become friends with China. NATO needs some leverage against India. Enter khalistan.

    There are already significant number of Sikhs in US, UK and Canada. Trudeau’s mass immigration plans in the last three years goes beyond cheap labor, vote bank. It could be a geopolitical play. By importing 1 Million+ Sikhs and bolstering the Khalistan movement, NATO nations can generate instability in India and use that as a leverage for diplomatic maneuvering in the future.

    This is not a farfetched idea. US can fund the movement. They just need bodies to execute.

  4. India has very valid historical reasons for not giving a shit how England thinks they should behave.