Wild stabbing rampage at busy Melbourne shopping centre


  1. Gosh, glad it wasn’t worse, as i remember the Bondi stabbing attack in Sydney a few months back. The guards and guys who subdued him are brave heroes.

  2. downunderplus61 on

    Good on the two guards for even getting involved and attempting to stop this armed individual despite the threat to their own lives without proper PPE to deal with this kind of situation. This too coming from guards who by and large aren’t even allowed to carry a stab proof vest, pepper spray, tasers, batons, handcuffs or a handgun unlike protection officers or police.


    Most shopping centre guards in Australia are essentially errand runners and centre management puppets as written in their employment agreement or the agreement their company has with the shopping centre. Need things moved – call security the guard will have to move it if they want to keep their job. Need to hand deliver flyers or marketing material in this day of emails to potentially a hundred plus retailers – call security they’ll do it even if they are only a one-person security staff site. They walk around all day doing nothing anyway plus the person paid to do marketing for the centre from centre management sure as shit isn’t going to go for a walk and deal directly with a few disgruntled retail tenants. Too many shopping trolleys in one spot or trolleys dumped in random spots – call security to either organise them or push them around themselves. It’s usually the responsibility of trolley persons, security AND centre management (as written in the agreement between owners of a centre and the company they contract to manage a centre) to deal with trolleys but of the four aforementioned parties, only two are forced to deal with this supposed “safety” issue – centre management don’t do anything and feel like their job is to call security (who could only be one person across the whole centre) and add it to their pile of tasks to do for the day. Basically, centre management can say it’s a safety issues and force security to do a whole range of unrelated tasks to save a few dollars instead of tasking it to the right people. Even in most job adds you’ll see on [Seek.com](http://Seek.com), they ask that you walk up to 30,000 steps a day, that’s almost 23km per day across a potentially brutal 12hr shift. How many guards will be able to effectively perform security duties for members of the public and walk 23km everyday?


    Most security guards in Australia who work between the hours of 6am-6pm during weekdays and are even paid properly to begin with on level 2 wages are paid $26.97/hr as per [fair work](https://calculate.fairwork.gov.au/payguides/fairwork/ma000016/pdf). Some guards don’t even receive this minimum due to dodgy companies. Minimum wage in Australia is $24.10/hr – would you risk getting stabbed and put up with disrespect from the public and centre management for such a pittance without even having proper PPE? Again, good on the two guards for even getting involved to the extent they did – I wish everyone injured a fast recovery unlike last time.

  3. Uhh *15 minutes* for the police to arrive? How many people could be stabbed in that time? Hell the dam police academy is only 5 minutes down the road.

  4. predictableghost on

    I am genuinely sick of people being hurt I mean it’s teenagers who are being stupid. They just don’t care for others.

  5. I do very much admire the people that subdued this man but it terrifies me to think how much danger they put themselves in to do so. I can’t imagine having those heroic instincts.

  6. Formal-Try-2779 on

    We need to get serious in Australia about tackling the mental health crisis. We need to build new facilities to replace the one’s Kennet and Howard got rid of. Especially regarding the population growth in major cities and the effects of meth usage on people’s brains.

  7. No_Butterfly99 on

    i would prefer the security guards have guns.

    but damn not even pepper spray, taser?

    and they are expected to be security against freaks like this smh.