Millions of people are creating nude images of pretty much anyone in minutes using AI bots in a ‘nightmarish scenario’


  1. jazztrophysicist on

    I wonder how long it will be before people just get over the inevitability that anyone who wants to can see an idealized version of “you” naked? Seems like the zen path to take is, as always, just “c’est la vie”. For most of you, nobody is going to want to see that naked anyway, and even if they do it costs you nothing. Don’t flatter yourself.

  2. I’m quite certain no one is creating nude images of *me* and if they did, they’d be very sorry. 😉

  3. Past_Distribution144 on

    I remember an age where if you wanted to make a picture of someone nude, you had to put effort into it with photoshop!

  4. When everyone is naked no one is naked.

    Now any nudes leak will be called AI and you’re kinda protected in that sense.

  5. TheSilverNoble on

    I saw a sci-fi movie that had a holobrothel, with suits vr type that responded to the holograms. The owner explicitly advertised that customers could bring in pictures of people and they could be programmed into the brothel. I knew that last bit would happen one day, and here we are. 

  6. I wouldn’t care if someone did this to me. They’re not really seeing me nude.

    I get why someone would have a problem with it. But this is essentially the same as someone drawing a picture imagining me as nude. It’s weird but I wouldn’t feel violated.

  7. It will be interesting to say the least. So it will be possible to place someone at the scene of a crime, in bed with someone’s spouse etc. Defense attorneys will make a fortune. Yes, it will be interesting./s

  8. Thin_Count1673 on

    If it’s done to everyone, just, who cares? There’s no stopping it, it’s not you, everyone knows they can be faked now. I say make your own tasteful ai videos of yourself and release em first. 

  9. If anyone wants to do this to me it’s ok but only if you give me a six pack and a very large hog.

  10. All this means is there’s a scapegoat now. Claim it’s AI either way. Big win for some.

  11. At the end of the day, all this means is no image you see can be trustworthy until verified. in fact, now you can plausibly deny even real leaked images as fakes.

    People have been drawing or photoshopping people since the beginning, so all this does is democratize or.