Trump: I Didn’t Like Football Because People ‘From a Bad Neighborhood’ Could Tackle Me


  1. Watch the [video here]( 📺

    As per [original article]( 📰:

    – Former President Donald Trump said that he was not a fan of playing football as a child because someone “from a bad neighborhood” could tackle him.

    The Republican presidential nominee made the remarks this week on the Bussin’ With The Boys podcast.

    “I played football too. I didn’t particularly like it,” Trump told the podcast. “I could catch the ball good but I didn’t particularly like having some guy that was, uh, lifting weights all day long and came from a bad neighborhood. Yeah, and he sees me, and they were tackling hard.”


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  2. DUMPY DONALD is running scared from AMERICAN football, because BIG BAD BOYS from Black and Hispanic “hoods” could KNOCK HIS LIGHTS OUT!!! VERY unamerican!

  3. Wow… Nothing screams I’m a rich entitled prick from birth then not playing a sport because he doesn’t want somebody lower born to touch him.

  4. Rabid_Alleycat on

    Hopefully, someone from a “bad neighborhood” will tackle you on 1/5 and take you out!

  5. A guy who’s been lifting weights, comes from a bad neighborhood… why, I do believe that he’s describing Corn Pop.

  6. Holiday-Panic-5465 on

    Please play a clip of this before every college and NfL football game in the country.

  7. Whyisacrow-caws on

    1) odd comment from an ALPHA MALE!
    2) he meant shit hole neighborhood, right? Do I have to spell it out? No matter how hard or soft they tackled him, black people would be touching him!

  8. SiliconMadness on

    This dude is nothing but a showman, for sure. He is a distraction. Like look at his makeup and how bad it looks. That’s on purpose. His wonky statements and behavior. That’s an act. Not saying he does not have cognitive issues, he does… but he is using that weakness as a strength. There is hatred in my heart of this person, make no mistake, but still I must admit Trump is not dumb. A lot of very bad people aren’t. Better believe it. He’s a quasi-clown; a court jester here to bedazzle the masses. It works. Here we are.

    A court jester for who, though? For all those evil people behind Project 2025 and high ranking clergy, many even in silicon valley, the media, business, hate groups, and other such places.

    I call them “evil.” Seems trite, I know. The reason I use that word and really mean it is because we in the USA are blessed with some of the most vast, fertile, and diverse land in the world. Mega cities, sprawling country side, plaains, mountains, seaports and massive coastline… wanna live in a hot place, you have places like Nevada, Florida; wanna live in the cold, you have Vemont, Alaska; want mountains you have West Virginia, Colorado… plains… you have Nebraska, Oklahoma. Access to fresh water, oil, precious metals, and all in one of the largest nations by area on the planet. YET these billionaires and power hungry elites still want more, more, more, more. Even though we can live in relative peace they pit us against one another.

    That’s not a both sides argument, let me be clear in saying Republicans are the worst by far and I vote straight up Democrat and urge you to do the same, but what I am saying is these people are supremely evil in that in this vast land of abundance they don’t have to create all this suffering, they could still be rich as cheesecake, BUT THEY CREATE THE SUFFERING ANYWAY. It’s like some psycho killing an animal not because he’s hungry, but just to watch it writhe in pain and feel power over the poor beast.

  9. ants_taste_great on

    The little whinging bullshitter is still pissed he tried to buy an NFL team and got denied by all the other actual billionaire owners. What a loser.

  10. PassengerNo1233 on

    In other words, POC and anyone bigger than him. Dude, they tackle hard because it’s their job. It’s not a pillow fight.

  11. Ok-Boysenberry-2955 on

    Yeah, we remember the guys like you on the team. Stopped running your mouth so hard when you realized that practice is where we would call the bill due.

  12. NormalizeNormalUS on

    Sounds like it was popular to hit him hard when the opportunity arose. Makes sense.