On Jan. 5 2022, Galaxy Digital crypto investment firm CEO Mike Novogratz showed off his new LUNA tattoo, celebrating his investment in — and faith in — the UST algorithmic stablecoin, which maintained its dollar peg via an incentivized arbitrage algorithm using partner token LUNA.

On May 19 2022, one week after the two-token ecosystem failed in a $48 billion collapse, Novogratz wrote in a shareholder letter that the ink on his left shoulder "will be a constant reminder that venture investing requires humility." And the ability to withstand a $300 million write-off.

source: www.coinmarketcap.com



  1. aside from the luna the wolf tattoo is really poorly done, my 3yr old nephew could draw a better one.

  2. InclineDumbbellPress on

    The only crypto related tattoo one should get is a seed phrase tattoo – Preferably in a very intimate location if you feel the dig

  3. inShambles3749 on

    Lol what is this ugly as fuck tattoo? Did he draw it himself?

    Guess it was on purpose not the actual Luna Logo. He knew