“Secretary of State Blinken & Secretary of Defense Austin sent a letter on Monday to Israel demanding it takes steps within 30 days to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza in order to avoid consequences in U.S. law for U.S. milirary aid to Israel. See letter here”



  1. [link to the images of the letter for those unable to see](https://imgur.com/a/nnJ05u2)

    These were posted by Barak revid who is an Israeli journalist for axios.

    [here is a j-post article on the situation](https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-824725)

    Edit: also I think it’s fair to note that this letter isn’t explicitly stating that the US will issue an arms embargo to Israel if these demands aren’t met, rather it’s saying the US could be forced to pause aid if Israel is not showing good faith in abiding to international law that the US is subject to.

  2. Israel has sold U.S. defense tech to China multiple times and acted as a backdoor technology transfer for them throughout the 90s and early 00s. They helped them develop the J10. They sell them dual use tech to this very day. Yet China offered no support when October 7th happened. Israel made a bad bet on China, got burned, and now has to come to the U.S. with its tail between its legs.