Going to be a tight November race some how…

Posted by jackb1753


  1. If you’re not going to release your own records, I don’t want to hear your take on anyone else’s.

    Trump should follow the advice of Gene Hackman, in Crimson Tide, with the same level of emotion that he speaks the line with, and SHUT THE FUCK UP.

  2. AloneAddiction on

    An… occasional runny nose is a deeply serious condition now is it?

    Can I take a week off work with it, guys?

  3. Pretty funny calling out someone’s medical issue awhile not disclosing your full medical information.

  4. Mysterious-Range-419 on

    What is wrong with him? This is total crazy talk. Why would anyone vote for this lying gaslighter?

  5. This has to be fake.

    It’s got appropriate capitalization and punctuation. It stays “on a single topic”… And everything is spelled correctly (from what I can tell)…

    There’s no way this was the Orange Buffoon.

  6. I never thought that I would pine for the days of McCain and Obama, but jesus christ. This fucking guy is so low class. The day Trump dies I will light off every firework I own and dance a fucking jig.

  7. You can always tell which ones he really writes, and which ones an employee he’s not paying writes by how many words are in caps.

  8. dude has heart disease and will likely die of a heart attack in the next couple years

    president vance would be worse than trump because unlike trump vance is well organized

    Donald can shut up.

  9. I get his point. I’m 6,2, 185 lbs, 10% body fat, and every possible test comes out perfectly healthy. I’d also be really annoyed if someone wanted me to show any evidence that all of those things aren’t just a made up fantasy in my head.

  10. I’m going to have to start referring to my seasonal allergies as ‘ a very messy and dangerous’ situation