Former QLD LNP Premier (and David Crisafulli’s mentor) Campbell Newman slams taxpayer funding for lunches to feed QLD kids. “Why should people pay for other people’s children.”

Posted by MrsKittenHeel


  1. Seems like he doesn’t understand what taxes are even intended for. Taxes are not meant to be siphoned for you and your buddies to line your pockets.

    It’s common wealth – meant to be used for the common good (alien concept for old duck face I assume).

    As a childless adult, please use my taxes for making the life’s of our people easier and more affordable. We have to pay them either way, it would be great if they were not simply being poured into privatised toll roads and tunnels and the constant widening of roads.

  2. I dunno about you but I am quite fine for that. I thought children were meant to be our future, so why shouldn’t we let them have an easier time. Let them have free lunches

  3. wtf sort of mindset is that it’s like “why am i paying taxes when i haven’t required an ambulance in years” etc. we pay to help society as a whole. greater good and what not

  4. Right, because the child should suffer if the parent loses a job, or dies, or divorces… or is just a dead beat.

    Feeding kids with our tax dollars is exactly the sort of things you want your taxes dollars to do, help society.

    Fuck off outta here Campbell.

  5. Yeah – when his house catches fire and the fire brigade goes out to fight it, just tell him it’s not free and why would people pay for a free fire fighting service for other peoples houses.

  6. Fit_Armadillo_9928 on

    And this kind of rubbish is why I’ll be voting against the coalition for the first time in my life…

  7. downvoteninja84 on

    Jesus Christ, this cunt was a politician for how many years?

    Their meal allowances are about 120$ a day. Fucking germ

  8. No child should have to go to school hungry and suffer. This is the type of thing I want to see my taxes go toward.

  9. Far better to spend tax money on helping children get a good education and making school a place that give you something rather than just rules and work for children. Changing the way people feel about going to school could certainly help things.

    Far better than cutting taxes for mining companies… In fact we should raise taxes further and go for free dental too!

  10. I mean yeah screw his point of view.

    But do we really need to partake of the silly ‘slam’ clickbait?

  11. Don’t we as taxpayers pay for politician lunches?? Why the hell should we pay for that?? Yea…can’t believe we had this dickhead as premier.

  12. itsonlyanobservation on

    You had your chance, Newman. You fucked up totally by all those savage cuts that helped your rich mates. Leave this state alone and take your sock puppet Crimafulli with you

  13. Every-Citron1998 on

    The premier that couldn’t even balance the budget after massive public service cuts and selling state assets is the last person I want to hear from regarding good uses of tax payer money.

  14. Pay for some lunches and keep kids in school now, or pay for ‘adult crime, adult time’ later. 

  15. Why do conservatives seem to think that a government shouldn’t do anything for its constituents? We pick them, they may as well do something for us. What do they think they should do instead?

  16. Dizzy_Emergency_6113 on

    Has Australia ever paid for kids lunches? When I was a kid in the 90s we were bringing a few bucks to school for tuckshop snacks if we were luck but that was about it.

  17. Why should we fund private schools? Why should we compensate tax refunds for millionaires? Why should we fund those damn sick peoples care? Or those pesky old people!
    As usual, Newman is adrift in his own self-importance. It’s a real shame that ignorance isn’t embarrassing enough to think twice anymore.

  18. Top_Tumbleweed on

    In the same breath they’ll talk about how we need immigration because of low birth rate

  19. Boring-Article7511 on

    Ive said it before … I demand that my tax dollars go to lunches for children in school … who will hopefully grow up to be taxpayers and subsidise my pension.

  20. Who let Mini Mr Potatohead back out of his box?

    We have Campbell to thank for the fact labor have held power for all but 2 election cycles since Expo rolled out of town. A short reminder between Captain Bligh and the PalletShack is all that was needed.

  21. Efficient-Draw-4212 on

    The only people who get freebies from the Qld government are waste disposal companies.

  22. Don’t have kids. Don’t particularly want kids, at least for a while. Still stoked for this.

    When kids go hungry they end up becoming little cunts, or at least some of them do. I for one would rather have less little cunts that turn into big cunts.

    Kids that are fed can focus and learn better. Better educated kids are better for society.

    Not fuckin hard.

    Perhaps the people against this weren’t fed enough themselves

  23. thatirishguykev on

    Such a scum thing to say.

    Why should people pay for “free lunch” of other people’s children? Cause they’re FUCKING KIDS MATE!!!

    I’d much rather kids have a meal at school from taxes I pay then you and your buddies get free travel, expenses etc etc… Imagine being so out of touch!!