The Media Has Three Weeks to Learn How to Tell the Truth About Trump


  1. Eatthehamsters69 on

    Its so easy, just post transcript or clips from his rallies and let them speak for themselves.

    No stupd interpretations with massive benefits of doubt, no sensationalist titles just direcly quote the insane shit he is saying.

  2. spoiler alert: the majority of the media is owned by right wing billionaires. they will never tell the truth about Trump because they want Trump to win again.

  3. OppositeDifference on

    This isn’t some whoopsie. Large sections of the media have a vested interest in keeping this race as close as possible, or even putting their thumbs on the scale to the point where we get a second Trump term.

    It’s really hard to convince someone of something when their paycheck relies on remaining ignorant.

  4. JubalHarshaw23 on

    They have zero desire to tell the truth about Trump. He is their golden goose. Covering the destruction of the Constitutional Republic and the rise of the Fourth Reich is their Dream Job. They are too blinded by greed and ambition to believe that he intends to imprison or execute the vast majority of them.

  5. A couple of weeks ago I heard some reporter on NPR casually describe rounding up migrants as being part of trump’s economic agenda.

    I think that’s more part of his fascist agenda.

    When asked about economic stuff he insults Detroit. And the most hard hitting pushback he gets is jokes on late night tv.

  6. He’s already made signals he’s coming after free speech. If they think he’ll treat them fairly for sane washing, let me ask his supporters in jail about the gratitude of Trump

  7. They already know how, they’re just not doing it. And they wont start before the election so you can forget about it. After he loses though they will run story after story of what an out of control criminal he has been all his life to keep people clicking and watching. The media doesn’t care about what Trump and they are doing to the country, all they care about is milking this dumpster fire for as much ratings and money as they possibly can.

  8. Hairy-cheeky-monkey on

    “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within,” media will learn fuck all until it’s too late.

  9. I do not understand why a convicted felon can repeatedly make threats of violence and get away with it? We really do have a class system in the country. If any other felon said half the shit he says, they’d be behind bars.

  10. It’s time for the journalists to break ranks with the editors of their newspapers and publish the truth about the Orange turd and what’s at stake.

    Question his health, his taxes, his incompetence, the threat he poses to the nation, the made up stories and lies about immigrants, Project 2025, the economy, etc.

    While we can’t rely on the media. We can control how we vote. We all need to vote Blue down ballot!

  11. As we get closer and closer to November, Trump is going to become more violent and unhinged and his rhetoric will become even more absurd because his sheeple will believe anything he says.

  12. EricThePerplexed on

    Ha. The media will just parrot back polls of uninformed opinions that show his “strength on inflation”. All to reinforce those opinions, never to inform those opinions.

    It’s the structural reality we have to navigate in defeating that orange dipshit. Don’t wait for the media. Be loud and proud and donate blue, volunteer blue, and enthusiastically vote blue with friends!

  13. Saw this elsewhere and this person hit the nail precisely on the head:

    Five major media fails:
    1. Ignoring Trump’s mental decline (until the last few weeks of the election).

    2. Excess focus on meaningless polls.

    3. Failure to engage historians and psychiatrists to provide context for Trump’s fascism and narcissism

    4. Fixation on more details from Harris, demanding none from Trump

    5. Consistent negative/inaccurate portrayal of the economy

  14. It’s very simple. It can be done in 6 words: Trump is a fascist like Hitler.

    But … Then they look at losing 3 weeks of clicks and ad revenue. And ya see, capitalism > warning of fascism takeover.

  15. shivvinesswizened on

    They won’t. They treat him like he’s a normal candidate rather than the biggest threat to our democracy.

  16. Not going to matter – Trump voters just consume right-wing media who tell them nothing negative about the Repugs.

  17. thenewrepublic on

    Trump’s mass deportation plan will alter the fabric of the nation in a way nothing ever has. This isn’t just an evil plan, it’s a costly plan. The media can’t just let voters forget this because it’s “old news.”