1. This is going to be unworkable and will likely be delayed over and over again until it is scraped. Also how they announced all of this has been very cart before the horse.

  2. Beneficial-Fold-8969 on

    It’s another unenforceable crime. I’m actually sick of this government making up bullshit rules that they couldn’t even enforce if they tried.

  3. GloomyFondant526 on

    Government makes up weak piece of garbage ban to make it look like it’s doing something, is a bit long for a headline.

  4. Yeah this whole thing makes no sense.

    What counts as social media? Facebook? Twitter? Discord? Youtube? Twitch?

    And now we’re going to have to supply them all with our ID just to prove we’re over a certain age and trust them to not misuse that?

    Sounds like a great, well thought out idea.

  5. Can’t be enforced, this has been shown in other countries. It is also straight up dumb and a waste of taxpayer money/resources.

    Needs to be scrapped ASAP.

  6. If reducing access to social media prevents even one suicide then it’s worth it. Young people have access to way too much

  7. National Age Verification Scheme sounds like something out of Utopia. (the TV show, not my dream for a perfect world).

  8. AutomaticMistake on

    I’m already on the brink of using fake credentials for 90% of my services, kinda sick of getting emails every few months that my account details have been leaked.

  9. It is actually worse than that. It is not just an age verification scheme, it is an *identity* verification scheme. Otherwise, how would you verify a person’s age?

  10. At first I was thinking the Albo government had completely lost its Labor virtues of progressive reform. They’ve done basically fucking nothing except stare at their shoes for the entire term.

    And then I see they are pushing to spend a shit load of money on a hairbrained internet policing scheme. Ahh, there’s the Labor we all know!

  11. Website: only enter if you are 18.

    Every kid under 18: oh no, I’d better leave this website.

  12. They’re talking about using biometric verification to confirm the user is under 16 etc. Any idea how this would work? Presumably, the user has to look at their phone and software determines if they look old enough.

    To me it sounds like it hasn’t been thought through and now they’re scrambling to work out a way to make it happen.

  13. Oh no way seriously, a backhanded way of getting everyone to accept something under the guise of safety for children so if you say no you look like a wanker, but if you support the idea you can get on that social clout crusader shit.

    But I love the government how could they do this to us? It’s like they’re not acting in our best interests, when did this stuff start happening guys!?!??!

  14. hello! I wrote this, thanks for sharing. I usually do reporting but I thought it was important to slip into analysis because I felt that calling this all a “teen social media ban” ignores the fact that any attempt to verify the ages of internet users will affect all Australians. Happy to answer any questions you might have.

  15. Unless it’s a legal requirement, like motor registration, or taxes, I never give my real d.o.b. to a web site that asks. It’s none of their damn business.

    How exactly do they expect this to work?