Map of Milky Way, Star Trek Universe (Prime Timeline circa 2372), Approx Accurate from on-screen sources.

Posted by Aazardian


  1. # Warp 9.99 (8,333c OR approx. = 1ly/hour) and the Milky Way vs Time

    * ***This is the speed of, “TOP END” late 24th century (2370s), sub-space communications***
    * ***I would assume from statements in canon, that this occurs between 2170’s (Start DIS/TOS era) to 2340s (Khitomer Massacre)***
    * ***Assuming you “could” do warp 8 (1024c OR 2.8ly/day) NON-STOP = approx. 98 years across***


    100,000 light years across = 100,000 hours = approx. 4,167 days = **approx. 11.42 years across**, ***NON-STOP***

    so a 2 way conversation of 100,000 lightyears would take 22.85 years just to say:

    1. Person 1: “Hi, how are you?”
    2. Person 2: “Great, yourself?”


    Lets say the Borg can do warp 9.99 by 2370, even they still use “artificial wormholes” (trans-warp hubs) to cut travel time to “reasonable” with a hub to “hop to/from” every few hundred light years (at least in their own region of space)


    So by the era of:

    ****For reference =*** [the 2161 Klingon Empire](***, is already 1000 light years across, at the widest point!, the OP map above is roughly accurate 2272/2373(?, its 100% post-Klingon conflict/pre-Dominion War)***

    * 2156: Earth-Romulan War (high warp 6/early warp 7), thats still like 1 or 1.5 days a light year
    * 2256: 1st Federation-Klingon War (high warp 7/early warp 8), thats still like 0.6 or 0.75 days a light year
    * 2373: Federation-Dominion War (Warp 9), thats, **STILL ONLY, 5 HOURS PER LIGHT YEAR**
    * **example: It should take 1.5+ years to reach “Farpoint Station” from Earth (2830ly), for the 2360s Enterprise-D**

    In both earlier era’s, it would take **approx. 3 years** to cross the Klingon Empire, 1-way *(1000ly to 2000ly, respectful of era)*

    ***By Dominion War, is STILL 1.1+ YEARS TO CROSS THE KLINGON EMPIRE, 1-WAY (2000 LIGHT YEARS)***

    **Even with warp 9.99 sub-space comm’s, would take about 6 MONTHS to relay fleet orders across the Klingon Empire** ***(assuming command center was at absolute center)***


    **Personal thoughts:**

    IMHO, no “authoritarian power” can maintain an empire much larger than 2000 light year “orb”, if we assume that communication time is as presented (limited to a 2-way conversation of 2 hours per light year).

    **This also assumes absolute fanatical loyalty** to empire by “regional governors/ect” (so you dont get an a fragmented empire of “local” warlords).

    ***Reasonably, 200 light years across, would reduce all times to 10% of total, & thats STILL A ONE MONTH 2-way conversation, from one far edge to the other*** **(& 40 days travel at warp 9, 1-way)**


    **Also “Pre-Warp” note:**

    if a sub-light/pre-warp empire (lets say 0.5c “drives”), of 3 “tightly packed/close” solar systems spanned more than 2 light years, “I’d eat my hat” (again, about 1 to 3 years across travel time, 1 way, max, IMHO)

  2. RandyFMcDonald on

    The issue is that all of the blobs on the map, with the likely sole exception of the Borg, are much too big. Even high warp is small against these distances.

    Remember that it would have taken Voyager seven decades at its maximum speed to reach Earth. The different polities shown are much smaller than that. The Borg are the big exception because of their galactic network of transwarp corridors.