Domestic terrorists for Trump.

Posted by Javasndphotoclicks


  1. AdmiralSaturyn on

    Nothing to see here, folks. Trump is not Hitler, y’all are just being hysterical./s

  2. Nazis and boats don’t exactly have a great history – pack your life jacket (as if these guys even have any).

  3. How the fuck is something like this even legal. We’ll see what happens when I attach an “I’m going to go kill someone” flag to my car and drive around.

  4. Isn’t there some World War II law still in place that allows people to pillage and scuttle ships that raise this flag?

    Asking for a friend.

  5. sapientia-maxima on

    we laught, but this is seriously terrifying… we’re on the wrong side of history

  6. It should be legal to attack people who display Nazi symbols. Nazi’s were enemies of America. When did that change?

  7. #Hey republicans!!!

    If all Nazis are republicans and you claim to not be one…. What about the platform is it that you and the Nazis have in common?


    If one Nazi attends a dinner party with 9 people and none of the nine leave or ask the Nazi to leave, you have a dinner party of 10 Nazis.

    Same goes for political rallies. Notice they never show up for anyone else. The Nazis feel so safe around republicans they don’t even hide thier faces and openly and proudly display thier symbols of hate.


    ^(also why are republican canidates guest speakers at Nazi fundraisers?).

    What side of history will you be on?

    #Vote Blue to save America! HARRIS FOR PRESIDENT!

  8. Minor quibble but next time try to use a photo that clearly shows that the other flags are Trump flags.

  9. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore. It’s like they don’t want to remember that a lot of people died to stop these flags being flown in America. I bet these are the same people who say they support veterans and the armed forces.

  10. Brave little souls, letting their freak fly out in the ocean where nobody can yell at them for their gross ideology.

  11. I’m actually glad that so many WWII veterans are dead so they don’t have to see this shameful and ugly thing. They put their all into the fight because they felt they were stamping out fascism and all its ugliness forever. How disappointing.

    I’m 83 and my eldest brother – 14 years older than me – served at the tail-end of the war. He was then part of the Occupation in Germany for a while. I know his heart would be broken to see this.

  12. ##People see who backs trump and still want to ride that train…

    The friend of your friend is your friend at that point, so expect to be tarred with the same brush

  13. “The economy is horrible under democrats!” ::Proceeds to own a boat, buy unnecessary flags, and burn fuel parading around in honor of their orange god::

    That makes sense. /s

  14. I know this is a goofy observation, but the nazi flags are clearly much higher quality than the Trump flags. Im just blown away by how shitty these things are. It isnt like these people are getting a good price on them.