A Volkswagen Passat official vehicle is allocated to each minister who leaves office in the Ministry of Agriculture. However, this tradition was broken with former Minister Vahit Kirişçi. After leaving office, Kirişçi took with him the Audi A8 Long official car he was using at the ministry. Since this vehicle, which was supposed to be used by the new Minister İbrahim Yumaklı, remained in the use of Kirişçi, a new vehicle of the same model had to be rented to Yumaklı.

Yumaklı and his team made a plan to take back the official vehicle from Kirişçi, under the pretext that it was time for service and maintenance. However, instead of returning the Audi A8 Long official car, they preferred to hide it in the ministry. But this situation did not escape Kirişçi’s attention. After their guards went after the vehicle, they visited all Audi services in Ankara, but could not find the vehicle.

Kirişçi became angry with this development and contacted Yumaklı. After the meeting, the hidden Audi A8 Long official vehicle was rediscovered and delivered to Kirişçi.

Eski Tarım Bakanı Vahit Kirişçi makam aracına çökmüş…
byu/a_e_i inTurkey

Posted by a_e_i


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