As a lover of the Middle Ages and because I got inspiration from a post here r/albaniaI created a cast that I would love to see in a film about Skanderbeg. We all know that such a film is years away, but one can always dream. Would you like to play these roles? (1. Louis Garrel 2. Emilia Clarke 3. Anya Taylor Joy 3. Tom Glynn Carney)

Posted by chilliagon


  1. Full_Window_3977 on

    Sa marrin ato 2 aktoret rroge per 1 film ne kemi GDP-ne e Shqiperise ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) po gjithsesi shume bukur i paske zgjedh! Ku i ke gjet se k’ta dy aktoret nuk jane shume t’njohur… bravo t’qofte.

  2. Aktori origjinal i Skenderbeut ka qen gjeorgjian. Kshuqe nuk eshte çudi qe kane dale ne konkluzionin qe shqiptaret jane bjond sybojeqiell.