Smoking rate among adults in different American states

Posted by ytayeb943


  1. Illinois statistically off because of Chicago, rest of IL is little different from the midwest.

    I work (in IN) at a shop that as a policy doesnt allow smoking, but the manager smokes… so everyone over 45 chain smokes all day and leaves their butts everywhere 

  2. I’m confused about California because I always see people smoking around here. But the post doesn’t specify if it’s cigarettes or any other smoking method.

  3. Rich-Contribution-84 on

    Completely anecdotal but I work in London/around the UK and in Paris pretty regularly. It feels like there are 5x as many smokers in France/UK compared to my experience in the U.S.

    It’s one of those interesting things, to me, because it seems (again anecdotally) that the typical person in Western Europe lives a healthier lifestyle relative to the typical American. But this is like a glaring exception.

    Is this just my perception? Or is it a fair observation.

  4. magicklydelishous on

    Shocked Maine isn’t higher than the national average. I feel like everyone here smokes, unfortunately.


  5. Best-Illustrator-880 on

    Does that mean the higher lung cancer rate in West Virginia might not totally be caused by coal mines?

  6. I smoked from 16 to 21, I vape now.. every once in awhile I want a drag off a cigarette and I can’t do it. They’re so nasty. I smoked half a pack a day

  7. This almost matches the Electoral College Map with the major difference being Texas and Florida

  8. I went to college in West Virginia. I was one of the few people who didn’t smoke. It was wild.

  9. This feels like a really good proxy for a lot of….stuff. It doesn’t map to political ideology 100%, but it’s pretty damn close.

  10. In the 90s in Kentucky it felt like my parents were the only two adults I knew that didn’t smoke. Fast forward to today and I rarely ever even see a cigarette. We’re red on this map, but it’s insane to me how little smoking there is now compared to the world I grew up in.

  11. steelersrock01 on

    The US has done such an incredible job making smoking undesirable. I remember as a young kid going into restaurants and being asked “smoking or non-smoking?” and that’s just unthinkable now. Nobody i know smokes (though some vape) and for most people smoking is a nonstarter. A complete 180 from buying packs of candy cigs and “smoking” them to feel cool.