Trump floats sending military after US citizens on election day citing ‘radical left lunatics’ and ‘the enemy from within’


  1. heckin_miraculous on

    Good thing he’s not in charge of the US military *any more*

    Please, don’t give it back to him people.


  2. Part of the MAGA plan is to pull off so much brazen fuckery that normal Americans take to the streets so they can call it “insurrection.”

  3. As a Navy veteran, I’m completely disgusted by this man and his suggestion to use the US military to enforce his grievances. Completely unacceptable, and shame on the media for normalizing all of this.

  4. Thank fuck it’s Joe Biden in the Oval Office.

    Today’s Trump as incumbent would try to impose martial law

  5. If any troops are needed for this election cycle it would probably against trump cultists angry at a trump loss. If he does win, the next election (such as it is) would be ugly.

  6. Voter suppression attempt number 11,583. And if he tries to mobilize the u.s. military against Americans, that will be one of the last mistakes he ever makes. There are enough patriots in very high military positions (at this stage at least) to correct that anomaly. Plus he is NOT commander in chief, so any military personnel following his orders would be enemy combatants themselves.

  7. Mental decline getting way worse causing anger and extreme paranoia.  It’s insane to me that people can’t see that. He’s literally speaking on fascist rhetoric. 

  8. The radical left lunatics that want to feed children, protect human rights and provide healthcare for all. Please save us.

  9. notcaffeinefree on

    He made that leap of the “enemy from within” being immigrants to being liberals **real** quick.

  10. You mean Trump wants all those “suckers and losers” to kill fellow Americans. This man belongs in a cell for the plethora of crimes he’s committed.

  11. Saphire77hairylover on

    vote blue only blue 💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵🩵🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙💙

  12. DirtyFeetandJoy on

    So no more freedom of speech, anyone not on his side will have the military knocking on their door.

    yay republicans /s

  13. Critical-General-659 on

    Let’s be frank. 

    Trump’s plan is to have his cultists commit terrorism on election day so he can try and have the results tossed. 

    The military/local LEOs are more likely going to be killing MAGA terrorists than going after his political opponents. 

  14. Trump is too stupid to realize that his enemy within is JD Vance, who can’t wait to play the long-planned 25th Amendment card on the bumbling old fool and replace Trump with someone far more capable, an admittedly low bar. A vote for Trump is really a vote for President Vance and the Russification of US

  15. WrongVerb4Real on

    Dear Trump, MAGA, GOP, and all you “Christian” nationalists…

    I have the right and freedom to hold my progressive political views. I Have the right and freedom to support, or not support, whomever I choose. And any attempt to intimidate me from acting on those rights and freedoms will be met with the resistance of my choice. 

    And for the record, I do not support Donald Trump in any way. I oppose him, and I encourage everyone to vote so that he is defeated.

  16. He needs to disappear. I’m so fucking sick of it and what he’s done to this country. The fact that it’s not 80/20 is just so sad. I used to think we all could at least agree that fascism and Nazis were bad on a large enough margin to never let one in the White House.

  17. RelevantNothing2692 on

    I really thought civil war was a bad movie. Now I’m thinking it’s a bad reality.

  18. He realizes he’s not the commander in chief anymore right?? Also he’s not a dictator as much as he wants to be.

  19. he’s demonizing over half the country and verbalizing his desires to send the military after them.
    he’s trying to radicalize his base by convincing his base that the left is radicalized, and murdering babies, and plotting to raid people’s homes to take their guns away, and election fraud, and the list goes on.

    To those on the right who read this, post birth abortions are not real, that’s called infanticide. Nobody wants to take your guns, nobody wants open borders, nobody is going to eat your pets, the left is not out to get you. **he and the media are blatantly lying to you. YOU HAVE GOT TO SNAP OUT OF IT.**
    He’s absolutely insane. this man can not become the commander in chief.

  20. Truly, I hope when Kamala wins, he disappears into nothing but paying for his crimes, in PRISON

  21. Own-Opinion-7228 on

    Lmfao. He’s a fucking citizen and a felon! He’s morning a position of authority or an official anything. He can wish all he wants

  22. It’s fucking beyond crazy how anyone believes this conman. HE and his cult are the enemy of this country. Anyone with half a brain knows it!

  23. Is the plan to have the military pepper spray all those antiAmerican churches, televangelist homes/ compounds? That’d probably go a long way towards making the country kinder

  24. This is him when trying to get elected.

    Imagine what he would do if elected and indeed had the power of the Oval Office

  25. Master-Zebra7185 on

    Vote early. Most Democrats do that. It’s mostly Republicans who vote on election day. Also, he has no power over the military. Joe Biden does.

  26. Aware_Material_9985 on

    He certainly seems to want to round anyone who opposes him up to put us in interment camps. Please vote blue everyone. Let’s not find out if he can pull it off.

  27. Hope people don’t forget we have another election in 4 years. I don’t feel like dealing with this again.

  28. Just lock the criminal up, he shouldn’t even be allowed to run for president, he and his Maga cult tried to overthrow our government. This fucker should be in prison now!

  29. What military? You have no military. You have fat losers on arm chairs that have sat in the dark for nearly ten years. Old demented felon.