Hannah found deepfake porn of herself online. But the most disturbing revelation was still to come



  1. >” I gave the police about 600 screenshots and a spreadsheet linking all the women and posts on the website to Andy,” Kris says. “Our expectation was that it would be fairly easy to charge him.”

    >But months went by without an arrest. ……

    > In July 2022, five months after they had first approached police, Hannah and Kris received a call informing them the case was being suspended.

    >”I was devastated,” she says. “There was so much evidence … I guess I thought things had been happening in the background. I cried for a very long time.”

  2. Fuck I really wish it didn’t take them spending 20k of their own money and time to do the police’s job for them. But thank fuck he got caught.

  3. IsoscelesQuadrangle on

    My takeaway is that if you want justice be prepared spend upwards of $30K on investigative services to prepare a brief of evidence & a lawyer to browbeat the police into doing their jobs.

    Good on her for doing it but it shouldn’t be that hard to light a fire under those cunts.

  4. I find it strange that people are so surprised by this. This is like the first thing I thought of when AI became a thing, it is an inevitability, this technology literally destroys the last little chance a person has of having any control over the way others use your reputation or image, which was already mostly fucked by the internet and then social media anyway. It’s done for, no going back, I have just accepted it. Not that I care, I mean I have sent so many naked photos of myself to random guys already. But if I did and this was me I would be almost as mad at the AI people as the dude who generated them as it is like handing everyone in the world a machine gun and saying “don’t shoot anyone tho”.

  5. sensual_lettuce on

    Omg that guy is so familiar from going to Manning Bar weekly ten years ago. What a horrible thing to do.

  6. The deepfakes are such an evil act, but what makes it so much worse was him tagging her socials and address. He wanted harm to come to these women.

  7. ChocolateBeautiful95 on

    Deep fake porn is so disgusting and malicious. We need stronger laws in place to make sure thrse sick cunts get a deserving jail term for this shit.

    I don’t like to be an old man yelling at clouds type, and I have zero problem with porn generally, but I think the last 10 years of camming/onlyfans like platforms has really degraded societies sexual morals.

  8. Having read that she was a teacher my first inkling was it must be one of her students.

    High school students are merciless/menaces and the only reason I don’t want to pursue teaching 😔

    Every second month my local school is sending around emails asking parents to get fake tiktok/insta accounts deleted – bullying teachers/other students

  9. MomentsOfDiscomfort on

    Cops are too busy using 20-man squads and sniffer dogs to harass people enjoying themselves at clubs/ pubs

  10. The internet is a god awful place. There are so many things like this out there – and I’ve no issue with porn and it’s consumption within reason – but the communities one may stumble across are just insane, and the implicit support of the hosting services, Discord, and the like, is wild. It’s only going to get worse in the years to come as well.

  11. Fart_In_My_Foreskin on

    Finally a story in this country where some actual justice comes about *before* someone ends up dead or assaulted. Especially where women are concerned. I think this woman and her partner should be commended for their efforts and patience.

  12. Garshnooftibah on

    Yeah, Jesus Christ – that is absolutely horrifying.

    And I’m not that easily alarmed.


  13. FeralPsychopath on

    Fuck you OP. This is Reddit – you put the reason in the header.

    Here I will give you an example

    “Hannah found deepfake porn of herself and the website also had her family and friends using privately shared photos indicating it was someone she knew”

    Then you add the link for people who want more details rather than baiting them.

  14. So the cops aren’t trained/don’t have the manpower to do things like this?

    Well, these crimes happen. Government needs to take them seriously. If cops are incapable, time to set up/hire a third party agency to do it for them.

    Then the cops can continue their sniffer dogs while people like Hannah can get some help from people who know what they’re doing.