Abortion has passed inflation as the top election issue for women under 30, survey finds



  1. manwhowasnthere on

    I’m a man but yeah this makes sense to me – considering if you’re a woman they are literally taking your rights away.

    You should be upset – All should be voting to stop this regression

  2. I have a feeling that the 18-30 year old female electorate is going to have historic turnout. Women will carry Harris to become the first Madam President of the United States.

  3. Phase 1: Ban abortion.

    Phase 2: Ban most birth control.

    Phase 2 only happens if women don’t vote….which brings us to Phase 3.

    Sadly, it’s past the time for the average non-MAGA to register. Millions of idiots who will have no voice in the election.

  4. HellishChildren on

    Tim Walz: Donald Trump put this all into motion. He brags about how great it was that he put the judges in and overturned Roe versus Wade, 52 years of personal autonomy. And then he tells us, “Oh, we send it to the states. It’s a beautiful thing.” 

    DJ Vance: Now, of course, Donald Trump has been very clear that on the abortion policy.

    Donald Trump: Well, the reason I’m doing that vote is because the plan is, as you know, the vote is they have abortion in the ninth month. They even have, and you can look at the governor of West Virginia, the previous governor of West Virginia, not the current governor is doing an excellent job, but the governor before he said, “The baby will be born and we will decide what to do with the baby.” In other words, “We’ll execute the baby.” And that’s why I did that, because that predominates… Because they’re radical. 

  5. Women over 30 too. And their husbands. I refuse to vote for anyone that would put my wife below me.


    Monkey’s Paw, abortions become legal federally again but they’re so ridiculously expensive they’re essentially unobtainable.

  7. Reviews-From-Me on

    Inflation is temporary and is already significantly improved. Women losing rights cloud take decades to get back, if ever.

  8. And, of course, Republicans will completely miss that while this is definitely about abortion, it’s even more about sexism, autonomy, and freedom.

  9. WittinglyWombat on

    when women care about something that only a few will go through and inflation where most go through… yeah

  10. Uncreative-Name on

    Inflation is 2.4%. Anyone still worried about that is a dumbass and not worth listening to.

  11. You’ll never be responsible for someone else getting an abortion. They’ll do it with or without your help.

  12. Polls like this are lagging indicators, too. If its a trend, that could easily mean its even better, in a wider age range.