1. Can anyone expand on this? I havent found much information and am curious if there are any details of the cyber attack. Due to the limited news sources, unsure how accurate the claim is.

  2. ZestycloseMongoose50 on

    Who’s got the original source cause all I find are random news outlets in India making this claim?

  3. FishAndRiceKeks on

    This was being reported yesterday and no reputable sources picked it up so I doubt it’s legit.

  4. Looks like Iran’s cybersecurity just got a harsh lesson in the importance of updates—who knew hacking could be so educational?

  5. ZestycloseMongoose50 on

    Doesn’t make sense. Abolhassan *Firouzabadi* Spoke with the media?

    I wouldn’t want to be him at the moment if he did. Or didn’t.