1. Here we go… I was just waiting on this bigoted dipshit to finally say it.

    And folks, this is not just a threat. It’s a PROMISE.

    We need to vote this diaper wearing adult whiner out of politics and bring America back again to its two party healthy system.

  2. JeffSteinMusic on

    “Sounds great to us!” – nearly half of our voting public.

    Deflect all you want talking about people who don’t vote or split hairs about registered Republicans vs. independents who mark R on their ballot. Fact is we have tens of millions of free-willed adults in America who are either actively cheering deplorable shit like this, or they are willfully ignorant to the point of moral failure. The end result is the same, and these people will still be here after Trump is gone.

  3. Of course — he’s a total xenophobe and will use whatever “legal” means to further that agenda.

  4. UsedCouchesAndGloves on

    It’s starts with immigrants and moves onto the next group and the next group and so on. At some point, it reaches the person(s) who voted for it.

  5. armchairmegalomaniac on

    This is going to be such a horrific shit show if this lunatic gets back in power. For the love of god people, think this through. You’re talking about ditching American democracy and embracing fascism if you vote for Trump. You will kill America.

  6. Training-Swan-6379 on

    Bringing an American atrocity back to life for every voter of Japanese descent. Trump never misses an opportunity to alienate people. I think he believes Japanese and other Asians are part of his imagined amorphous blob of ‘brown people.’

  7. notcaffeinefree on

    TL;DR: He wants to use the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to deport immigrants.

    Except he can’t do that. Not at least without either Congress declaring war or without SCOTUS deciding that somehow, the US is at war with the nations the migrants are coming from.

    Really, the rhetoric is stupid dangerous. He’s ramping up this notion that the US is at war and being invaded and taken over. That kind of talk never leads to anywhere good.

  8. whelpthatslife on

    And there it is!! Do you undecided voters still need to learn more about Ms Harris?! Like for fuck sake he’s not the one!!!

  9. MaximumManagement765 on

    Is anyone shocked? We already know he was putting infants in small steel cages IN THE DESERT! He has been talking about expelling or genociding what he considers undesirables for YEARS! People of color, the lgbtqmp+ community, newcomers, etc. at the same time his project 2025 plan will have his government forcing women into servitude for the sole pleasure of their male owners.

    None of this stuff is even a secret, which is why anyone with a brain is so horrified that he has support.

    When Biden won in 2020 there were serious calls for a national program of denazification that we should all be seriously regretting was not implemented. Every time I hear about trump I feel like I am in a nightmare.

  10. > First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

    >Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

    > Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

    > Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    —Martin Niemöller

  11. I know your grandparents were born here but you didn’t vote for me so I’m sorry to say you need reeducation in one of our lovely camps.

  12. Ahhh yes, one of the most shameful parts of our history and the🍊💩 thinks it’s a great idea. Just a few inches right and we could be free of this Kompricrat

  13. A major party candidate is running on a platform of ethnic cleansing. It actually came happen here.

  14. So farmers are already begging for workers to harvest the crops, before they rot on the trees, but deporting ALL the low paid labor will help the economy? He’s an ignorant and dangerous buffoon.

  15. RainbowandHoneybee on

    Without due process? Does that mean he is now saying he will just going to deport anyone he thinks who are illegal, without checking their actual status?

  16. They’re openly going full Nazi. Anyone that votes for Trump is an anti-american traitor and a deplorable human

  17. “Hey you know one of the darkest chapters in US history? Yea, let’s go back to that shit.”

  18. My grandfather was forced into one of the internment camp with his entire family. They lost everything after the war. He endured racists his entire childhood following the war. He plans on voting for Trump. The cult runs deep.

  19. People are voting FOR this. They’re not putting their heads in the sand. They are racist, deplorable people who want to see millions in camps. Nazis were voted into power and it will happen in America again if we don’t keep Trump and his kind out of power. Let’s not blame the undecideds when there are even millions more who knowingly support this. These are your neighbors and colleagues and friends and family.

  20. I was averse to having firearms in my house, but for the first time, I feel like I actually need firearms. This lunatic will send his violent mercenaries to enforce mass deportations and put people in camps. It’s not hyperbole anymore.

  21. Kind-City-2173 on

    He will not be able to do this. Blue cities won’t cooperate. It will be stuck in the courts. It will be a disaster

  22. So, create a dark stain on American history in real time? Stoking hate and intolerance is Trump’s only policy now.

  23. Cute_Bedroom8332 on

    How long do you think it will take for the average America to equate his mass deportations with the once again skyrocketing inflation including food prices? It will also crater the economy. He will have business owners screaming at him within 6 months. If you want to watch a policy blow up in your face this will be the textbook example. No immigration equals no economic growth which equals sinking demand which equals substantial job losses. It is actually common sense. But hey Americans you go fuck around and find out what happens.

  24. He knows this is his last chance. It’s full-on Hitler time. It’s been said, but he needs to lose by a resounding margin in order to bend this timeline back toward sanity and collaboration.

  25. No_Huckleberry2350 on

    Just a reminder to Hispanics and other non-whites who support Trump, the Japanese internment impacted not just Japanese immigrants who were not born in the US but full US citizens who were born here and even those who were the children of native born Americans. If you think that his deportation plans will only affect those in the us without proper documentation, you may be in for a surprise.

  26. imhereforspuds on

    Imagine if Americans end up in camps under this guy. That will be that then i suppose, everyone for themselves.

  27. Concentration Camps. Republicans are Fascists. Can’t hide anymore. Just admit it and commit or leave. There is no inbetween or but they meant this. No middle.

  28. PoignantPoint22 on

    One of the worst policies ever enacted by the US government that the vast majority of Americans condemn and this fuckwit wants to do a round 2.
