Elon Musk is obsessed with delivering Pennsylvania for Donald Trump. Here’s what he’s doing.



  1. Time_Error_7874 on

    Seriously, fuck Elon. I used to like him for his contributions to science and tech. And now, I have ZERO respect for him. I’m just so disgusted.

  2. Apparently Citizen’s United has created the final Animal Farm form:

    “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”

    You have free speech, but you don’t have money. He has unlimited free speech to influence the election beyond his own status as a citizen.

  3. “One of those investments takes the form of a petition from Musk’s America PAC where he could spend upward of $47 million. Anyone who signs vows their support for the First and Second Amendments, which could then provide the contacts that allow them to be targeted by Musk’s PAC to vote for Trump. Participants will also receive $47 — the number of the next U.S. president — for each registered voter they refer to sign the petition. Until Oct. 21, when the petition closes, Musk’s goal is to reach 1 million registered swing state voters “to sign in support of the Constitution.” This program is exclusively open to swing state voters.” from article.

    Harris challenge this with an AD let people know what Elon is… usurper…

  4. Dude really wants his job if trump wins… Trump offered him the of Chairmen of the Government Efficency Committee. His job would be to make the government and people more “Efficent”. This could lead to Elon making Efficency camp to help people learn how to be efficient or a testing center for Elons Neuralink. But this is all speculation.

  5. Be observant…. What Elon did to Twitter is exactly what Project 2025 wants to do to your government.

  6. I’m not surprised that Musk is a hard core conservative, I would expect nothing less from a rich elite with multiple wives and kids who hate him – I just wish he wasn’t such a fucking liar. But see my previous sentence.

  7. > He’s proposed a bus tour across the Commonwealth, taking it upon himself to door knock, partly to see how his financial investments have paid off.

    This seems like a good strategy. People really like it when an off-putting weirdo knocks on their door. 

  8. Musk’s over-the-top push for Trump in Pennsylvania feels more like a publicity stunt than genuine support. He’s throwing money and resources around, but it’s hard to trust someone who shifts political views like he changes hats.

  9. Get out of my state Moron! He might hear some very colorful language if he comes to my door.

  10. Separate-Feedback-86 on

    Deport Elon Musk back to South Africa. He left when apartheid ended because he feared for his white racist ass and brought his hate here. His capitalist philosophy doesn’t overshadow his hate. Just talk to his daughter.

  11. I’m a big fan of the theory that the ocean requires a couple billionaires as sacrifice every year – even bigger fan of Elon being at the top of the sacrifice list. GIVE HIM TO THE SEA!

  12. My favorite was him claiming he was an Eagles fan AND a Steelers fan to try to appeal to the common man. Lol.

  13. I mean if PA, WI and MI all go to Harris it’s the ballgame, election over.

    If Trump doesn’t win PA then he has only 6 ways to win and if any of 4 states (WI,MI, NC or GA) doesn’t go fo him that’s also the end for him.

    If he wins PA then he has more ways but they’re also all shaky.

  14. Great-Hotel-7820 on

    Idk how you see a picture of these men and not realize they’re evil. They look like movie villains.

  15. footbrakewildchild on

    He might not do too well knocking on doors here in State College. Send him up to Potter County to see what their KKK chapter is up to.

  16. CranberrySchnapps on

    Is it weird a lot of people that come into direct contact with Trump end up going above & beyond to humiliate themselves in order to do something for him? Trump *always* tries to back out on a deal. Whether he just forgets about you or he’s actively trying to dodge his end of the deal, it’s the one thread that ties all of his dealings together.

  17. Immigrant billionaire interfering in American elections and Republicans celebrate it…

  18. alien_from_Europa on

    I used to get so excited watching those SpaceX rocket launches. I can’t get myself to watch them anymore. I hate Elon so much. He made his companies his personality. You can’t separate the two.

  19. “White South African Immigrant, Raised during Apartheid, Obsessed with Delivering PA for Trump”

  20. InevitableAvalanche on

    Republicans wouldn’t let this shit happen. I hate how Democrats always have to play nice in fear or backlash.

  21. Elon and Rupert Murdoch sould be the first two foreign born residents rounded up and deported.

  22. How is this not vote purchasing?

    More importantly this PETITION that Elon is pushing or paying people to sign will be used to contest the certification of the state of Pennsylvania when Chump loses bigly

    They are setting up the steal folks. This is really a big fucking deal.


  23. Vivid_Cookie7974 on

    I’d think that the average Pennsylvanian would want nothing to do with billionaire Musk.