Japan’s Princess Aiko, the daughter of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, experienced making traditional handmade Japanese paper crafts at a workshop in the southwestern prefecture of Saga on Saturday.

The Nao Washi paper made in the area has a history going back over 300 years. Princess Aiko heard an explanation about the process of making the paper from the representative of the last remaining workshop. She also observed a demonstration by a craftsman.

Using a wooden frame prepared for visitors, Princess Aiko tried her hand at making the paper. She created two sheets of washi paper, saying the experience was both difficult and profound.

Afterward, Princes Aiko visited a nearby store that offers products made from Nao Washi. These include fans, as well as items like tea and incense made from the plants used to produce the paper.
She told the shopkeeper that she sensed new potential for washi paper.

Princess Aiko was visiting Saga Prefecture as her first solo official duty in a regional area. She attended the National Sports Festival held in the prefecture, watching track and field events on Friday and judo competitions on Saturday.

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