As a proud Irish American 3 generations removed I was pleasantly surprised to see that Mac n Cheese is part of our shared cultural foundation. I made all of us proud by buying every box in the store!

Posted by Dotpboy


  1. blipblopthrowawayz on

    I thought pictures on boxes are supposed to make you find food delicious looking, that bowl looks like boiled maggots.

  2. FlyingLlama280 on

    I hope who ever Greenlit this, steps on a lego every morning, and that their signal is good enough to connect, but never good enough to load the site

  3. coolcoinsdotcom on

    Mac n cheese is such an American thing and very trash food. But yea, I’m thinking they will endorse anything as long as the royalties come in.

  4. The-lazy-hound on

    I blame the Brits. Diageo (British company) has bastardised the shite out of Guinness since buying it. Definitely a hate crime.

  5. Lol this feels like the American Isle in Irish stores that has things like hot dogs in a jar and other horrifying items

  6. pistol4paddygarcia on

    This is what happens when a Welsh Rarebit and a bowl of noodles love each other very much and move to Ireland. Make it yourself from Mamma Guinness’s own recipe:

  7. Oh feck. Sorry from the states. It’s Cabot too! Cabot makes some really good sharp cheddar cheeses but this!?

    Guess this what happens when iconic brands get gobbled up by giant holding companies and every last thing that can be sold is.