Trump Baffles Everybody With Bizarre ‘Biden Circles’ Babble


  1. >I mean, you know, this isn’t like Elon with his rocket ships that land within 12 inches on the moon where they wanted to land. Or he gets the engines back, that was the first I realized—I said: ‘Who the hell did that?’ I saw engines about three, four years ago. These things were coming—cylinders, no wings, no nothing—and they’re coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace with a circle. Boom. Reminded me of the Biden circles that he used to have, right? He’d have eight circles and he couldn’t fill ’em up. But then I heard he beat us with the popular vote. I don’t know, I don’t know—couldn’t fill up the eight circles. I always loved those circles, they were so beautiful. They were so beautiful to look at. In fact the person that did them—that was the best thing about his—the level of that circle was great. But they couldn’t get people, so they used to have the press stand in those circles, because they couldn’t get the people. Then I heard we lost, ‘Oh, we lost.’ Now, we’re never gonna let that happen again. But we’ve been abused by other countries. We’ve been abused by our own politicians, really more than other countries. I can’t blame them. We’ve been abused by people that represent us in this country—some of them stupid, some of them naive, and some of ’em crooked, frankly.

    Uh.. I’m starting to understand why Trump’s aides are trying to limit his public appearances down the stretch.

  2. RepulsiveLoquat418 on

    Donald Trump’s speech to Detroit business leaders Thursday night contained a truly bewildering riff about “Biden circles” and their beauty.

    The former president has made headlines over the course of his campaign with strange speeches about whether it’s better to be electrocuted or attacked by a shark and giving unintelligible, rambling answers to policy questions. Trump has defended his free-wheeling, sometimes unfollowable oratory style as a deliberate ploy he calls “the weave”—but his latest effort looked more like unraveling.

    During Trump’s speech at the Detroit Economic Club—which included a segment insulting the city of Detroit, prompting condemnation from the mayor—the Republican nominee was speaking about how American manufacturing can be affected by other countries’ tariffs before veering off-topic into a discussion about Elon Musk, rockets, and, for some reason, circles. “It’s very sad to see and it’s so simple,” he said, continuing:

    “I mean, you know, this isn’t like Elon with his rocket ships that land within 12 inches on the moon where they wanted to land. Or he gets the engines back, that was the first I realized—I said: ‘Who the hell did that?’ I saw engines about three, four years ago. These things were coming—cylinders, no wings, no nothing—and they’re coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace with a circle. Boom. Reminded me of the Biden circles that he used to have, right? He’d have eight circles and he couldn’t fill ’em up. But then I heard he beat us with the popular vote. I don’t know, I don’t know—couldn’t fill up the eight circles. I always loved those circles, they were so beautiful. They were so beautiful to look at. In fact the person that did them—that was the best thing about his—the level of that circle was great. But they couldn’t get people, so they used to have the press stand in those circles, because they couldn’t get the people. Then I heard we lost, ‘Oh, we lost.’ Now, we’re never gonna let that happen again. But we’ve been abused by other countries. We’ve been abused by our own politicians, really more than other countries. I can’t blame them. We’ve been abused by people that represent us in this country—some of them stupid, some of them naive, and some of ’em crooked, frankly.”

    Trump appears to be referring to circles on the ground used as a social-distancing measure at President Joe Biden’s campaign events four years ago during the COVID pandemic. Trump was seemingly reminded of them by SpaceX’s reusable rocket boosters because they land on circular targets painted on drone ships. What any of that has to do with tariffs is anyone’s guess.

    The circle ramble wasn’t his only bizarre aside during the speech.

    “The word ‘grocery,’ it’s a sort of simple word,” Trump said at another point in his address. “It sort of means like everything you eat. The stomach is speaking, it always does.”

  3. “Trump Baffles Everybody with Bizarre Babble” is all you had to say.

    All he says is word salad hate speech.

  4. account_for_yaoi on

    My theory is that Trump just recently failed the clock drawing dementia test and is now obsessed with circles as a shape.

  5. CharmedConflict on

    The “Everybody” is in this title is a bit much. The reporters who still follow this Pumpkin Spice Gotti, sure. The sane people stopped paying attention a long time ago.

  6. No-Ambition7750 on

    I am wondering if he sees the writing on the wall, that he might not get elected a and is going to claim mental issues to try to stay out of jail.

  7. This should objectively front page news on The NY Times. “Trump shows signs of dementia in major Detroit speech”.

  8. Accidental-Hyzer on

    Nothing to see here, folks. It’s just “the weave”. You wouldn’t understand the genius of “the weave” method! /s

  9. It just pisses me off so much that the media won’t even acknowledge his lunacy. Can you imagine if Biden was saying things like this? It would be a loop on faux news for weeks, the NYT would have a new headline every hour about his decline.

  10. > We’ve been abused by our own politicians, really more than other countries. I can’t blame them. We’ve been abused by people that represent us in this country—some of them stupid, some of them naive, and some of ’em crooked, frankly.

    It may be the height of perfect ironic timing that Trump was minimized while he said this and a giant ad showed for “BUY MIKE LINDELL’S PILLOWS, 80% OFF!”

  11. You know, usually with these articles about Trump talking nonsense, I still kinda get what he’s getting at, even ifs delivered in a rambling, circuitous, confusing way. You can figure it out from context and familiarity with how he speaks.

    This time I have no fucking clue what he is talking about.

  12. Now that Musk and Trump are buddies, maybe Elon can gift him with a brain implant that will keep him within his platform, similar to the SpaceX rocket landing system. He still won’t make any sense, but at least he wouldn’t start talking about the color of baboon bums or whatever.

  13. Bruh

    Trump was cooked a decade ago mentally. Now he’s burnt and overdone. Holy shit every time this guy speaks he’s incoherent. The media should be dedicating even a quarter the amount of time to this that they did with Biden

  14. And of course MSM won’t cover this, but when Biden made any little slip it was the top of Google news for days…and MAGAs have the balls to say MSM candycoats things for Dems…

  15. spiked_macaroon on

    He should just change his shtick to like an Oracle or something, some kind of right-wing medium or something that talks in riddles and let those Qanon chuckleheads translate a meaning. Like some kind of Nostradumbass.

  16. thingsorfreedom on

    He’s not really campaigning. He’s just going out there on stage to ramble on for a couple hours. Then the media will sanewash what he says. So what he says is actually irrelevant. He will win if they can cheat enough. If not he’s toast.

  17. I think this guy has one of those “Pointless Phrase of the Day” calendars that his staff made for him on his nightstand.

  18. As a Canadian, watching from afar, if you’re still voting for this man you’re either an idiot, or a psychopath.

  19. Sad_Confection5902 on

    “Elon musk landed a rocket on the moon! But Joe Biden can’t even fill a circle! Those beautiful, beautiful circles”.

    -a candidate supported by tens of millions of American voters.

  20. I heard this on the news and this made zero sense. Usually I can figure out the stupidity he’s getting at but the circles thing was just crazy out of context nonsense.

  21. I swear he is sounding more and more like Grandpa Simpson:

    One of my favorites from Lisa vs Malibu Stacy

    Bah! Why didn’t you get something useful, like storm windows? Or a nice pipe organ? I’m thirsty. Ew, what smells like mustard? There sure are a lot of ugly people in your neighborhood. Oh, look at that one! Oh, my glaucoma just got worse. The president is a Demy-crat! Hello? I can’t unbuckle my seat belt. Hello? There are too many leaves in your walkway.”

  22. I had read the transcript and articles about this strange speech. My girlfriend was surfing YouTube and played the clip. The strange voice and his expressions and rolling eyes are quite worrisome. I kinda dislike the guy so I had to leave the room. She apologized and was so shocked she let it play. Both of us figured out way back when Cohn’s creation first became a sensation for the MSM that Donnie had no substance.

  23. Dude… this is… just sad..

    Like what the fuck is this? How can any of his supporters listen to this and not acknowledge he’s crashing out at record speeds??? I know it’s a cult is the answer but it’s just shocking.

  24. I love that his dementia is so bad that he’s truly incapable of understanding that Biden literally dropped out and that he’s no longer the candidate in which Trump is going up against. In the padded room he calls a mind he probably thinks that Harris is just campaigning for Biden.