Are you sick and tired of those lying red state republicans?

Posted by Distracted99


  1. Is there more than one? Can you arrange quantity discounts? I’ll stop buying houses for cash and get a dozen of these!

  2. What looks like a jet engine without its coverings is a weather machine to conspiracy theorists. Then I guess every jet airplane is a secret Democrat plot to change the weather.

  3. Oh, I remember when they finally incorporated the inverse reactive current in the unilateral phase detractors, which synchronized the cardinal grammeters of the turbo encabulator that runs this thing! I wonder if they ever replaced the pre-famulated amulite base plate?

  4. FreddyForshadowing on

    I think they’re leaving out that the off switch is a bit temperamental and the switch for tornado and hurricane doesn’t always work.

  5. Don’t bother. I bought one of those. Read the instruction manual twice. Set it to rain in California last August and the thing went up in flames. Total scam.

  6. Republicans should spend all their time and money learning to control the weather like the dems. Repubs can you send hurricanes into Cali when the wildfires are going, it would be much appreciated.