India Is Now Russia’s No. 2 Supplier of Restricted Technology


  1. India is playing with fire by playing both sides…Russia and USA. India refuses to ally with either side. It will burn them.

  2. India can’t straddle this divide any longer.

    Either you’re a rules based democracy and are aligned with that world or you’re giving Putin a fucking warm embrace.

    This is a terrible fucking look by Modi.

  3. Time to cancel H1-B work visas from there and all of the offshore jobs that companies so love.

  4. Western need Indian to against China so India can do what ever they want.
    Remember indian assassined the dissident in Canada ? nothing happened.

    India bought Russian oil sold it to make profit, nothing happened.

    India is smart and plays well,it knows where is the boundary.

  5. Meanwhile Trump openly praises Putin and sends him Covid kits and ventilators when Americans were dying and yet 50% Americans still support him

  6. We should all cut ties immediately. Russia can deal with all the “students” tired of both countries.

  7. inbetween-genders on

    Can they start calling Russia then please and stop calling me for my car warranty.

  8. I don’t think Westerners realize the history that India endured. First the Brits took everything and separated. Then they caused conflicts with indian communities, then they separated India. Also meanwhile using india to win WW1 and WW2. After that they proceeded to exit india while taking everything away from it.

    Then US backed Pakistan during the couple wars india had to fight. Which Russia helped India to beat Pakistan by supplying weapons and other means necessary. No shit India wont stop supporting Russia…Western countries think they control the Earth.


    Yet another article where westerners are gonna fantasize about big punishments for India while their leaders, who are not stupid will do the opposite irl

  10. It’s like the two new superpowers vying for world domination and influence are feeding off the dying corpse of the worlds former front runner.

  11. Beginning_Emotion995 on

    India thinks they are top caste to Russia.


    No matter how much make up the president uses