Premier Steven Miles announces $20m to expand termination of pregnancy services while LNP candidate refuses to distance from social media post claiming “abortion is the greatest human rights abuse of our time”

Posted by -Wiitheridge-


  1. “Is that still your belief?”

    “Let me make a number of deflecting statements which don’t remotely address that question”

  2. How can people even consider voting for this cunt, or his party? I honestly can’t comprehend it.

  3. corruptboomerang on

    It’s very telling, that even when the MSM are dunking on the LNP (probably more trying to push, the LNP into the position they want), they’ll not even show the ALP announcement.

  4. I hate that what a person does with their body is being politicised, again, but the silver lining (if any) is that it is exposing politicians’ belief systems.

    Evidently LNP and KAP are swaying away from their touted “liberal” / small government ideologies and proposing to legislate more restrictions on people’s rights, just because the magical sky wizard’s reps said so.
    ALP on the other hand are coming in strong to protect peoples’ right to have a choice, and recognise this isn’t something the government should be legislating on.

  5. binchickendreaming on

    Mate, the thought of an LNP victory is so terrifying for me as an AFAB queer person that I’m literally considering voting #1 for Labor and I’m a rusted-on Greens supporter.*

    *I know how the voting system works, thank you.

  6. IllustriousPeace6553 on

    “We have to get a woman to say its ‘not part of our (current) plan’ because women are more trustworthy and reliable, but we wont let them have a say in healthcare for their own bodies because our body parts were uncontrollable and its their fault. And we are so scared of getting vasectomies to help prevent the issue so we dont even bring up mens contribution to the issue. But its ok if women die.”

  7. Playful-External-119 on

    For fucks sake, no. This is not the issue we need to be focusing on. Shut up about the abortion debate leave the laws alone and fix housing. I’m so sick of our political parties following what America does. This is nothing more than sensational BS argument to distract for actually issues we have, it’s not about abortion rights or pro life. It another trumped stupid argument to distract from the absolute shit show that is the Australian economy and housing market. 

  8. Dear Mods.

    OP is a 30 day old account continually spamming the sub with Political threads. Would it please be possible to please get a MEGA thread so the front page isn’t full of Political posts.


    A Concerned Citizen

  9. Background-Drive8391 on

    Just answer the fuckin question David..

    Can you even say the word abortion David?

    Whoever votes for this cunt needs to give themselves the biggest uppercut

    “Not part of our plan” is the most hollow, see through bullshit statement. There isn’t a chance his going to deny what is essentially free speech to his party to perform a conscious vote, if he did the LNP would force him out..

  10. purpliest_pancakes on

    I used to believe opposing political views could be handled maturely and with respect. Used to. Now if you vote for the LNP or for any other right wing monsters, you’re a selfish cunt and are absolutely my enemy.

  11. Background-Drive8391 on

    They have ruled out themselves changing It, they are waiting on the katter party, this is what he actually means

  12. The LNP are a fucking joke.
    Stuck in the Dark ages , their policy position that women aren’t capable nor deserve to make.their own choices in their own lives , and that we need to legislate rules of religion and society literally out of the dark ages.

    Remember the concept of the separation of powers ?

    And why the actual fuck are your political party SO DEEPLY OBSESSED ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE DO BEHIND CLOSED DOORS????

    Just fuck off.

  13. It seems that Redditors feel abortion is an all or nothing proposition. It’s not and neither party says it is. They just have different opinions of when it can take place, as do most people. No one wants full term abortion on demand, but any policy to rein that in gets labelled as “anti abortion”, when it’s not. Surely we are better than this?