You really think Donald Trump was a good president? Look at his record | Opinion


  1. they know he was awful but they did a bunch of scams and are paranoid of their own actions haunting them.

  2. PreparationKey2843 on

    Yes, he was the *worst* president *ever* (IMO).
    *But*, the people *still* supporting him are even worse.

  3. Double_Leader_8860 on

    He’s the most crooked president we’ve ever had. And he is still pulling the strings on the republican Muppets.

  4. Hell no! When he wasn’t on three day weekends playing golf at one of his places and sending us the bill, spending half the other four days in his bedroom watching Fox News to see what they were saying about him, he was going to campaign rallies to panhandle for donations. The rest of the first three years he was just fucking around. The last year he presided over the deaths of a million citizens and worst recession the depression. Remember? Everything was under control and it was just going to just disappear. He was mostly worried it was going to make him look bad. Took care of Putin, though.

  5. His supporters don’t care about his record. He hates who they hate. That’s all they care about, made evident by them throwing all their morals away for him

  6. Marie-Pierre-Guerin on

    They are running the political fascist playbook not the normal politics and policy one. His followers don’t care.

  7. CoffeeChocolateBoth on

    If anyone thinks he was a good president, they need their Citizenship revoked! 🙂 But seriously, they need their brains examined to understand why they’re so gullible! Something is missing in them. They’re sheep, they’re like those who willingly drank the Kool-Aid!

  8. HawkeyeSherman on

    It’s like the pandemic gave him a mulligan on how terrible of a president he was. Inflation had already hit consumer electronics in 2019 along with the fact that we had to bail out the farming industry because Trump’s failed trade war lost them their biggest export customer. Then the pandemic hit (which a million extra American civilians died than had to) and this overshadowed his terrible economic policy.

    Much of the economic hardship that’s left today is more of a result of Trump’s economic policy as the consumer electronics inflation as distributed to every other consumer good on the market and the farming bailout is insufficient to cover the lost profits of selling food to China.

  9. Trump’s presidency was a dumpster fire from the very beginning and was at it’s worst during COVID-19 in 2020.

  10. creamonyourcrop on

    He had a recession start on his watch, but then again every Repulican in the last 100 years has had that happen.

    He lost manufacturing jobs on his watch .
    Again, every Republican in the last 100 years has the same record.

    People say Covid was responsible, but his handling of the pandemic was near criminal even before it hit. He removed key global surveillance personnel embedded in China and at WHO, and disbanded surveillance groups at the State Department and in the White House tasked with early warning of pandemics. And then it got worse, with his White House putting out disinformation on the pandemic, stealing PPE, and misappropriating equipment. And more.

    So it is entirely fair to judge Trump based on his Covid response.