1. UltraTiberious on

    Imagine your Roomba walking into a room to shout out some slurs and then walk back out 😂

  2. A long time ago I wrote a script that did something like this at a job site where we were deploying hundreds of PC’s. All it did was launch the My Little Pony theme song from a wave file on all of them at once. My boss about died laughing the first time I ran it.

  3. Just one time I’d like to see something hacked that will yell positive affirmations instead of racial slurs

  4. This is what happens when you give everything wifi connectivity for data collection or as a marketing gimmick.

  5. wogolfatthefool on

    I just want that mods that makes it scream “JESUS FUCK!” Everytime it bangs into something.

  6. How does the robot vacuum know which racial slur to use? Does the hack include the camera images which are then use to determine the race of the person, which is then used to determine which slur to use?