SpaceX wants to go to Mars. To get there, environmentalists say it’s trashing Texas


  1. What’s with the sudden SpaceX hate? They launching a hundred times more than any other space company. It’s literally impossible to contain all the damage.

  2. Why do you think they moved there from California. California won’t let them destroy the state.

  3. The move just increases the number of liberals in TX. Can’t wait to see the state races go to Dems.

  4. Let’s trash the only life-sustaining biosphere we have so we can achieve putting man on a cold, barren lifeless planet. Yup. Sounds reasonable.

  5. The Cards Against Humanity group is also suing them for trespassing and leaving a bunch of crap on their land. SpaceX with Muskrat at the helm will trash bc anything around them without any regard for anything else.

  6. Nobody trashes Texas more than Texans. Why do you think Elon moved there in the first place?

  7. AnswerWarm9208 on

    The company is trying to move humanity forward… stop crying like little selfish children. Pussies

  8. drunkerbrawler on

    I’ll worry about spacex when Texas starts worrying about the Petrochemical industry in Houston and along the coast.

    Drop in the bucket compared to what all of the refineries and chemical plants are doing.

  9. Title: “*Environmentalists Say* SpaceX is trashing Texas!”

    Article: ‘some experts are concerned that there is a possibility future tests could find zinc or chromium contamination in the cooling water. They haven’t found appreciable contamination yet, but they might in the future!’

    At least the anti-Starlink contingent has actual grievances. This is much worse, just primitivism in a suit. They literally have people combing wetlands for scuffed wild eggs and then saying, ‘hey, this is pretty close to the SpaceX site, maybe they’re responsible!’ Yes, eggs, those famously robust objects that could only be damaged by a rocket launch.

  10. Texas leaders will happily let them turn this state into a dumpster for the right price.

  11. millertime1419 on

    Space travel is one that the environmentalists can fuck off on honestly. The upside far outweighs some dead fish or dirty soil.

  12. Sprinkler-of-salt on

    Normally I would be opposed to trashing any place. I’m also opposed to anything that benefits mirror-universe Elmo.

    With all that said, they couldn’t have picked a better place to trash.

  13. If Reddit had it’s way, humanity would never get to mars and we’d all be huffing combustion fumes for the rest of our lives.

  14. NightMan200000 on

    So now the left opposes space exploration, because Musk’s SpaceX is leading the top pioneer in the field

  15. Wow, that sounds like a very expensive endeavor. That should send SpaceX’s stock soaring. I wonder who would benefit most of all from that.

  16. Mammoth_Professor833 on

    This is about as remote a place and if you’ve ever been to the Texas gulf coast you’d realize it basically the most industrialized petroleum chemical complex in the world. If you can’t do this here then where else? These people are hurting American interests and probably get paid by China

  17. raging_pastafarian on

    I’ll start working about the environment in Texas, when Texas starts worrying about the environment in Texas.

  18. Highly doubt SpaceX are capable of getting there at this point, so as well as all the destruction, it will all be pointless.