Calling All MAGA Supporters, why do you love this idiot?

Posted by golfnut82


  1. > … these leaders were popular because they allow [their followers] to be the narcissistic, sadistic, cruel people that at some level, many of them, and maybe many of us would sometimes like to be. They were normalizing our most vile feelings. Their very attractiveness was their nastiness.

    > Secondly, he could see how people could sort of sublimate their agency through these leaders. These leaders could be their retribution. Yes, you’re giving up a little bit of free will, but you could feel powerful through the leader.

    > And thirdly, this propaganda and these leaders created a sense of community.

    > [Peter Pomerantsev at TED: How To Fight (And Win) An Information War](

  2. Think about it this way: Trump is a loser, always has been, before 2016, all most people knew was that he was a gaudy, fake, failed businessman – the millionaire who pretended to be a billionaire, who bankrupted several casinos, and was a B-list reality television star. He ran on a white nationalist platform, surrounded by literally worthless scumbags like Bannon or Roger Stone. He appealed to losers, he spoke very incoherently and didn’t seem to know much about any given topic. He was obese and elderly and wore a thick layer of makeup and a wig and had several ex-wives and married a prostitute and his kids are embarrassing and…

    He’s the perfect loser for other losers to rally behind. Everyone in the US who isn’t very smart, or well educated, or has a good job in a good career field; people with no accomplishments and no prospects; people who don’t understand economics or history or politics or Constitutional law; people whose BEST TRAIT is being white or being an evangelical or waving a Trump flag at a wedding… these are the people who need Trump, who idolize him – they pin their hopes of some day being relevant or valuable themselves by elevating this losers’ conception of what a winner looks like. They are voting for themselves, as the bottom of America’s barrel see themselves in his own desperate stupidity and his flailing failures.

    *credit: redditor valvilis*

  3. Sure_Garbage_2119 on

    maga fools only talk in their eccho chambers. outside those, they become “independents” and “undecidedes” or “commom sense” and never talk their maga shit. bc they know only they can eat that shit.

  4. Normal people should start attending his rallies and converting these people away from trump. We all need to get involved and try and get them out of the cult. We may have to go where they go. They need help.

  5. because Obama made poor whites feel less than, after years of feeling better than they realized they were just as poor and uneducated as their non white neighbors

    Trump validates their racism

  6. While his failures, corruption, and incompetency are clear to anyone who gets their news and information from mainstream sources like the Associated Press, Reuters, etc. I don’t think most centrist/sane folk really understand just how “bubbled” his supporters are.

    Any given gaffe, ugly revelation, or idiotic act is simply not reported or discussed in their very insular world. Imagine if you ONLY got information from Facebook, Twitter, Newsmax, Fox, etc.? Unfortunately, that is all too common.

  7. he could eat a live baby in front of millions in TV and these cultists would still somehow vote for him.

  8. The problem is conservative media and sites don’t mention this. So all his supporters and sycophants just get fed he is the greatest, he cares about you, he is the only one who can save America, blah, blah, blah. All lies and I hope enough people see through them and finally close the chapter on his diabolical blight on US politics.

  9. He says out loud the horrible thoughts they have in their own heads and makes them feel validated. He is the Devil on their shoulder, whispering into their ears.

  10. My older sister is one..

    She stayed in our dying hometown and worked for nothing. Unlike our parents, there were no pensions and wages sucked. Her husband worked in a grocery store. They worked for forty years and looked like they were OK. Until they retired with nothing except social security.

    Instead of leaving like me, my wife, and our siblings, they stayed while the town went downhill. Our world grew larger as we met people who didn’t look like us, grew up differently, but generally had our values.

    The state started relocating former prisoners there, and many locals blamed these new people for all the problems the dying town had. Granted, there were some people who had problems, but they were not responsible for fifty years of decline.

    So I sadly see stuff she posts on FB. It’s full of ignorance and racism. She and some of my former classmates would tell you how Christian they are while they spew hatred.

    Our father always said she wasn’t very bright.

  11. He wants to hurt the same groups of people they want to hurt. That’s literally all there is to it. They’ll follow anything he says, they don’t care about reality or the truth.

  12. Hey MAGA Republicans, why vote for Trump, when GOD who is all powerful and all knowing redeem his only begotten Son and make him president again?! So MAGA Republicans, don’t vote if you trust GOD.

  13. They think he’s gonna make all the people they hate, cause they look different, magically go away. Yeah, a lot of them are dumb and live in a bubble of misinformation. That’s because they WANT to live in that bubble and jerk circle. 90% of them are just plain ol’ bigots

  14. notaredditreader on

    Exactly HOW is it possible that MAGAts would, in any way, shape, or form, make America great!?

  15. floridianreader on

    Trump’s sentencing in the Hush money trial is November 26. With any luck at all, he will go directly to jail and we will all have something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving.

  16. I’m sorry, can I ask about the validity of the third meme? Or do I even want to know. 😳😫

  17. Did house republicans really introduce that bill cause I can’t find anything about it

  18. He has given us an endless stream of real life stuff to criticize. No need to use fabricated stuff like that shopped Fox chyron.

  19. It’s always crazy to me how quiet they are when a post like this props up. They usually comment on everything but now it’s nothing. Not a peep.

  20. He appeals to their white grievances and gives them a national platform. I mean why do you think he attacks urban centers where the predominant races are typically minorities? Why do you think he spends less time talking about what he can do for you and more time denigrating immigrants? Why do people think he makes promises that he never keeps? It’s all to play on the insecurities and legitimize them.

    The MAGA cult has a foundation built on hate. That’s why they love that idiot. It’s hatred towards minorities, hatred towards women, hatred towards immigrants, and hatred towards to liberal. They will cut off their own nose to spite the face of that means everyone else feels the pain too.

  21. It’s about identity, not policy or outcomes.

    If it were anything logical–economics, crisis mitigation, morality, empathy, unity, improving lives of americans–he wouldn’t be in the race.