Japan’s top female jockey to quit after suspension for taking smartphone inside restricted area



  1. AreYouPretendingSir on

    Rules are rules and whatnot but isn’t the important thing if she, in those communications, actually disclosed valuable information? If it was just ”hey what should we get for dinner?” or ”wanna hang out next weekend?” I’m not sure it matters.

  2. Fair_Attention_485 on

    I have a friend who works for racetrack and rules are very strict, you can imagine if there’s suspicion someone is leaking info, eg x horse is limping, x jockey is hungover etc ppl won’t want to bet

    So it makes sense imho

  3. The latest info is that she came forward herself about the smartphone use and was disciplined (i.e. got a firm talking-to) already last year. It was supposed to be case closed, but she’s now being suspended only because a tabloid got wind of it.