Today, let’s talk a little about the topic of complaining about parking, that is, the lack of parking spaces in Split. More and more people in Split are complaining about too few parking spaces and the abolition of illegal parking spaces because they don’t have a parking space tomorrow, and the City recommends using public city transportation.
So let’s go:
- The people of Split complain about the lack of parking spaces and the government, which, instead of fulfilling their wishes and building parking spaces, takes them away. Be careful, the government takes their illegal parking spaces. What a crime. Here are some examples of (former) illegal parking lots:
- Blatine – the day before yesterday, parking was canceled on the sidewalk where cars were literally driving and it was a great danger to passers-by,
- Legal right
- Gripe
- Mate complains that he can no longer normally go to Konzum or Lidl to buy bread in the morning because there is no parking space on the way back. Mother doesn’t want to use her legs.
- Why is it so difficult to walk to a store that is not right next to your house? If you don’t feel like walking and there is no JGP (public city transport), buy an electric mobility scooter or a bicycle. When it’s empty, you just fill it up at home, it’s not a big deal.
- Households of four or five people can even have 2-3 cars each. The father and mother use their cars to go to work, and the unemployed son that’s it. Mate will not vote for Puljko in the next elections because he is taking away their (illegal!) parking space and because the members of the household can no longer park anywhere normally.
- I will repeat the same for JGP and romobiles/bicycles. If father and mother go to work in the morning and nowhere else, JGP is enough for them. If it’s raining, JGP is just as good, except that it will probably get a little more wet due to the longer walk from/to the station. Quite simply, a car is not needed if you can reach a certain distance by bus and if you are going to a popular place near which the parking lot will probably be full. Of course, I don’t count on disabled people here, as well as if you go shopping.
- The son will use the car to go to college, socializing and the like, and for this purpose the bus can normally be used. The parking spaces inside City Centra One, Joker, Kampus and the center are often full, and a good number of buses go to these places. And another bad habit is when, as part of joint activities, everyone goes in their own car, instead of at least gathering in one if there are four or less of them.
In addition, Puljak himself 2 years ago he declared that people shouldn’t buy cars if they can’t park them. And that’s what any normal person will tell you. People are expected to show at least some minimal understanding of these things if they want to protest – here protested because of Kaufland’s decision to charge for parking, they demanded the cancellation of that decision because those poor people don’t have a parking space. I repeat, they protested against the decision of a private company. Did any of the protesters come up with the idea to turn to the City to try to agree something with Kaufland and have the City subsidize their seats, no matter how bad that idea seems to some? A private company is there to make money from something, not to take care of the needs of users.
I recommend you take a look at The interviewer’s announcement in which it is stated how many minutes it takes to walk to some places (from Blatin) and the availability of JGP.
I see that there is a similar situation in Zagreb, but since I don’t know Zagreb well enough, I won’t comment on how they could create/regulate parking, but at least I can comment on that culture non-culture.
One would say – use public transport. We have modern buses with air conditioning, ticket never cheaper. However, we have a slightly bigger problem here – there are almost daily deviations from the timetable due to lack of drivers who are on sick leave. And on sick leave, a good number of them drive for Uber, Bolt or they rob tourists when summer comes (Split) because they earn more there than in a city company. There are also complaints that the routes of the lines are not very good and that it is not possible to get from one point to some part of the city by bus without changing at least 1-2 times. Currently, the problem in Split is the lack of bicycle paths (some roads like Poljička, those in Dom. rata and Vukovarska are simply too dangerous for driving a mobile phone or bicycle, but well, at least there are bicycle paths there), and it should also be said that Split is not flat. Like Zagreb, it is relatively easy to ride a non-electric bicycle everywhere. Now some will say how come they didn’t put more bike lanes, but the problem is that roads and sidewalks are too narrow (according to Babić, the head of the utility). And it is worth mentioning that it is Split is literally the record holder in the use of public bicycles.
Even if public transport functions flawlessly, i.e. Promet Split and ZET drive frequently and respect the timetable, and even if modern air-conditioned buses run on all lines, there is still one small problem – people do not want to ride buses (and trams in Zagreb). because they think it’s only for the poor, they want to be seen with their Audi or Mercedes, and tomorrow they’ll waste a hell of a lot of time looking for parking – it doesn’t matter, it’s important that they have an expensive pet and that it can be seen.
It is a problem for such people to pay €1 for a ticket (or €0.53 in Zagreb), but it is definitely not a problem to pay 8 times more for Uber or a couple of times more for fuel.
Both Puljko and Tomašević will continue to complain, however, neither of them will successfully solve these problems if people do not decide to change, until they realize that their car does not have to be in the living room and that they have legs. The same is true of waste sorting. Everyone raises their hands when asked who wants change, but almost no one raises their hands when asked who wants to change.
Kmečanje oko parkinga u Splitu i alternative
byu/paskatulas incroatia
Posted by paskatulas
Super mi je u Japanu što za kupovinu automobila u određenim mjestima moraš dokazati da imaš gdje parkirati automobil. To bi kod nas trebalo uvesti za stanare užeg centra svakog grada. (Iako da, znam, muljali bi svi s adresama babe koja živi u zapizdini nekoj…)
Autobusi bi na zapadu trebali biti besplatni.
Sve ostalo je performance.
Osim toga, imaš Uber/Bolt, ja kad god dođem u Zagreb ostavim auto isprid stana i naručim Uber za ić u centar. Uz ovoliko auta na cestama, gužve, manjak parkinga i ograničenja stvarno moraš bit luđak za ić u Petrovu ili Ilicu svojim autom.
Na kraju ispadne te skoro isto kad zbrojiš gorivo, parking, živce. Iz Ubera izađeš ko gospodin direktor, hvala, doviđenja, bez briga.
Ali u Splitu (i Zg) imaš drugi problem, kakav si ti to čovik ako ne voziš barem Golfa 1.6TDI plus kako ćeš u petak na selo (di ide bar 70% “splićana” i onda provedu vikend kmečeći “blaženo selo” i “jebeš split”)
Kmečanje krkana je sekundarna stvar.
Grad mora, kao što se to radi u Splitu, graditi javne garaže, micati parkirane automobile s ulica, širiti pješačke zone, poboljšavati javni prijevoz.
Dakle, trebaju se prvo stvoriti bolji uvjeti za promjene.
A ne čekati da 45godišnji Jozo i Štef pogledaju edukativni video zelene EU platforme i shvate da im auto ne treba.
Tako da, pohvala Puljku. Split je dobio više u ovom mandatu nego višestruko veći Zagreb, koji nije izgradio nti jednu javnu garažu, a broj ukupnih uličnih parkirnih mjesta je ostao isti, ili se čak povećao uklanjanjem vanjskih terasa i pretvaranjem u parkirališta.
Brate u Splitu je jedini problem samo društvo. Svako gleda samo sebe i jebe ga sta on nemoze imat sta on pozeli (parking isprid kuce). Zivija san 11 godina u Zagrebu pa bi navea jedan potpuno banalan primjer i rekaciju splicana vs zagrepcana – prodem negdi kroz centar Zagreba autom sa zagrepcanom i vidimo jedno auto parkirano na kornizi (rinzolu) – reakcija zagrepcana – vidi ovog debila di je stao, di je policija ili komunalni redar. Prodem autom sa splicanom kroz centar Splita – vidimo auto parkirano bezobrazno na kornizi kako je sve zagradilo – reakcija splicana – brate evo tu mos parkirat kraj ovoga, boli te k ako je on sta mos i ti. I sam ovi mentalni pristup je zapravo odgovor na sva sranja u Splitu.
svidaju mi se te promjene zadnjih par god, ne samo zagreb i split vec i drugi gradovi rade na tom da se uvede reda s autima, jača biciklisticka infrastruktura i sl 👍
Kako neko napiše tekst o parkingu u Splitu a da ne spomene zlo zvano HVIDR-a? I ovo “nabavite električne romobile” je najgori savjet ikad,
Mali ispravak, ovo su Škrape ili Lokve. Zavisi s koje strane ceste.
Blatine su ispod Škrapa.
cin vidin ovo elektricni romobil lose mi dode
Da ne kupujem auto znači ako nemam di parkirat? 🙁
Mene samo zanima kako nitko ne kupi konja ili brod pa očekuje besplatan vez za oboje ispred zgrade? Evo meni se baš ima konja i Puljak nije osmislio gdje ću ja vezati konja i zato ću ga vezati gdje mi puhne, ali najčešće na pločniku ili na ulazu u dječju ambulantu. Ivošević eto baš meni za dišpet nije napravio besplatnu lučicu max 300 metara od mog stana, ja ću vezati brod ispred Banovine. A pituravat ću ga i lakirati njima na porti jer eto oni MENI nisu omogućili vez!!! Dokle tako!!! Neću ja valjda koristit katamaran ili nedajbože trajekt!!!
Čisto radi količine, čak i ne moramo pričat o kvaliteti, projekata koje Puljak lansira ko po traci, u kombinaciji s manjkom nekog konkretnog iole sposobog protukandidata, ja pretpostavljam da će Puljak bit gradonačelnik još 4 godine.
I to mi je baš drago zbog takvih protuha koje ne zanima nikakav red i javni interes, vec samo vlastita guzica i komoditet. A bu, bu, moram hodat 2 minute od garaže do stana ili dućana. Vi zaslužujete sve najgore, a ne “vlastito ilegalno parking mjesto”.
Jedva čekam uživati u tome kako će ih gušit još 4 godine
Informativan sažetak!