Would be nice if the hackers targeted organizations actually involved in the conflict, not the internet archive, but what do I know? I guess any publicity is good publicity in their eyes.
grimace24 on
Why did they attack the good guys?
thatsointeresting on
If you read the article, the link to pro pali groups is pure conjecture. The supposed link is just that the hackers used a service that pro pali hackers may have also used at some point.
I_like_dwagons on
Why not a Fight Club inspired hack and wipe out everyone’s debt instead?
wogolfatthefool on
Literally like bragging about burning down a library that sheltered puppies too.
J-96788-EU on
What is catastrophic about it?
modiddly on
Nothing screams “I’m helping Palestine!!” like attacking a totally innocuous and universally liked site like the internet archive.
Blackfire01001 on
This is the equivalent of attacking a hospital or a library. What the fuck is wrong with you. Just wait till the furry hackers wake up and rip them a new one.
Who hired them, Sony?
Would be nice if the hackers targeted organizations actually involved in the conflict, not the internet archive, but what do I know? I guess any publicity is good publicity in their eyes.
Why did they attack the good guys?
If you read the article, the link to pro pali groups is pure conjecture. The supposed link is just that the hackers used a service that pro pali hackers may have also used at some point.
Why not a Fight Club inspired hack and wipe out everyone’s debt instead?
Literally like bragging about burning down a library that sheltered puppies too.
What is catastrophic about it?
Nothing screams “I’m helping Palestine!!” like attacking a totally innocuous and universally liked site like the internet archive.
This is the equivalent of attacking a hospital or a library. What the fuck is wrong with you. Just wait till the furry hackers wake up and rip them a new one.