Hello, you must have read the Komárom high school story in recent weeks. Anyone who has said so far can apologize. Below are the developments.

"A student’s letter about what happened at school in Komárom:

"The events took place in the community of a small town secondary school (200-300 people). I ask everyone not to write names or schools in the comments in order to preserve the post. It is a school in the Komárom region.

Thursday, September 12, 2024: a rumor spreads that the director and one of his students are having sex in a room on September 11, and then the cleaning lady opens up to them.

Friday, September 13, 2024: the news of the alleged incident reaches about 20-25 people.

Saturday, September 14-15, 2024: some students will probably tell the story at home

September 17, 2024 – Tuesday – there is a parents’ meeting at the school in the afternoon, where the parents start spreading this among themselves, they take this home to their children, who the next day…

September 18, 2024 – Wednesday – the students of the school begin to spread the word among themselves, inquire and ask questions. As a result, the story reaches almost all students and teachers, the entire teaching staff and the board.

September 19, 2024 – early in the morning at the entrance to the director’s offices, the NO ENTRY printed paper is posted on the glass door, at which time no one knows anything, 1.-2. during class, there is a knock on the door of the classroom and one of the staff there says: Tamás Példa, Éva Példa, please come with me to the principals

After 10 minutes, there was another knock: now only two names without asking: János Példa, Ivett Példa

they already knew what to do, got up and left

10 minutes later, there was a third knock, at which point several of us asked where the students were being taken, if the person entrusted with this would like to tell us, he didn’t say, in fact, he didn’t say anything

10 minutes later, the next knock, the next two people, and I was already one of them. Me and another guy got up from the bench and went to the principal’s office. After 1 minute, a student came out, the teacher on duty there asked us not to talk to each other, and to the person who comes out from there or the next person to enter. The teacher escorted the boy to the room right next to the principal’s and told him he had to stay there until all this was done.

They sent us in one by one, I followed, greeted them, sat down, the director in front of me in elegant clothes, with the two deputy directors on either side. I was told it was an investigation, "hearing" and a record will be made about it, they will ask about the rumor, which I probably know about, according to the hearing, my sentences will have consequences or not. So they will investigate the case. After all this, they asked me who I heard the rumor from, who I passed it on to, which teacher talked to us about it, which teacher we told it to.

Awkwardly making sure we said a name, as if that was all that mattered to them. Some people said:

– The situation is that you should say a name, because many people have already said your name.

– We don’t want what was said in here to get out of here.

Many have also reported similar threats. I think I can support these. I will not write down the more serious, precise sentences because I am afraid that if my identity is revealed, I will not be able to defend myself, and I will be sanctioned for my opinion and the facts.

They directly forbade us to talk about it, ask about it, or even think about it. For some, the whole thing was concluded by saying that if we dare to mention the rumor or the events that happened during the interrogation to anyone, it could result in a censure or a disciplinary hearing. The teachers and only a small part of the board are responsible for this, the entire teaching staff is not corrupt to the core, let’s not hurt them in any way.

– the investigation was carried out by non-independent persons

– not everything was written down in the report of the investigation, some people were so immersed in the questioning that they said that their words would be recorded afterwards

– Students under the age of 18 were interviewed without parental supervision

-they didn’t want to release the report, they said we could see it after authentication (they also said that anyway only a parent has the right to ask if xy is under 18, in comparison they also questioned those under 18.)

A good number of students believe and spread the "gossip" (which I cannot provably confirm or deny), since the principal often behaved strangely and objectionably with female students, had perverse, inappropriate jokes, inappropriate touching, and his interest in private messages for female students, for example what will their nails be like, how are they doing? He also had a lot of strange and far from innocent-looking sentences, the girls often feel threatened and uncomfortable around him.

According to unconfirmed information: – the girl who, according to the rumor, performed the sexual activity, has been talking to the principal for quite some time in chat and at school. Even before the incident, the relationship between the two was suspicious for many. – one of the girl’s partners broke up with her because she felt her girlfriend’s relationship was too close with the new principal, who was only a teacher at the time. During his more than a decade-long career, the director wrote to dozens of girls, always choosing among 9th-10th 15-16-17-year-old student girls, asking them for nude pictures and videos on chat, these chat conversations are still accessible and beyond beyond the scope of the rumour, THEY DO EXIST! The director also had long-term relationships with female students, such as "pletics" in the case of (The principal deleted his Facebook and Instagram profiles after questioning the students)

According to some sources, as a result of the investigation, 2 students, whose identity we do not know, want to be punished as scapegoats for exploding the story in the future, if all of this is completely lost on the students, and they will no longer have the strength to resist and speak out against the unlawful dismissals.


Posted by ahakzv


  1. A mi igazgatóhelyettesünk is ezt tolta a 2000-es évek elején, ugyanabban a térségben. Csak nem ő folytatta arrafelé a pályafutását?

  2. GourdEnthusiast on

    Miért nem posztolod ki a chat beszélgetéseket és az igazgató nevét altról? Ami egyszer felkerült a netre soha nem fog lekerülni.

  3. LowQualitySpiderman on

    az egész tanári kart le kéne csukni a faszba… milyen beteg állatok már ezek?

  4. Opening-Passenger374 on

    2000 évek elején, az évfolyamtársam összejött az akkor házas osztályfőnökével… aztán boldog kis család lettek…. Ofő azóta tanker igazgató, a harmadik feleségét tapossa…
    Okádék.. természetesen semmi nem történt az ügyében, de az egész iskola tudta.

  5. buszke vagyok ra, hogy az Ofom volt. O mindig is kiallt a diakokert es ez most sincs szerencsere maskepp!

  6. Az is megérne egy threadet, hogy miért nézik le a kétkezi melót az agyoniskolázott emberek?

  7. Neat_Theory9872 on

    Ember ne példázzál, írjál le mindent névvel, címmel, részletesen. Ez a te tapasztalatod, ezt tapasztaltad. Az igazságot elmondani és amit látsz, az nem bűn. Felejtsétek már el ezt. NEM BŰN ELMONDANI AZ IGAZAT.

  8. Nálunk a tesitanárt gyanúsította meg az egyik diák. Persze alaptalan vádak voltak, de a tesitanárt meghurcolták és nem is tudott tovább ebben dolgozni. De durva, hogy ilyen megtörténik…