‘The Wind Is Bulls**t’: Trump’s Weird New Ramble Has To Be Seen To Be Believed



  1. > “You remember when I used to say, ‘Darling, I want to watch our president tonight on television,’” he said. “And the husband looks, ‘I’m sorry, dear, the windmills aren’t wind. There’s no wind tonight, you can’t watch darling, we’re not gonna be watching tonight.’”

    What the fuck.

  2. P_a_s_g_i_t_24 on

    >During a speech in Scranton, video shows, the former president complained that windmills are “falling down” and ruining the Pennsylvania countryside.
    >“They got these big, ugly suckers hanging down. They’re rusting and rotting,” Trump said. “Half of them weren’t spinning, and the ones that were were going so slow. They were going, it’s not too windy, but y’know, they’re going like slow. The other ones were just dead. But they’re all rusting and disgusting looking.”
    >“The wind, the wind, it sounds so wonderful. The wind, the wind, the wind is, the wind is bullshit, I’ll tell you,” he said.


    >Trump complained that wind power means people can’t watch television on days with no breeze.
    >“You remember when I used to say, ‘Darling, I want to watch our president tonight on television,’” he said. “And the husband looks, ‘I’m sorry, dear, the windmills aren’t wind. There’s no wind tonight, you can’t watch darling, we’re not gonna be watching tonight.’” (…)

  3. This is the most advanced case of “brain mush” I’ve ever seen.. fourth stage brain mush is inoperable.

    My recommendation is the patient be put in a spacey 6×8 foot room with nice muted colors, like dark gray or darker gray. The patient will need to be closely monitored, the doors will be locked 23 out of 24 hours of the day — for his protection of course. The patient will also get three meals a day of varying consistency to keep the gut biome strong.

  4. Throwaway1975421 on

    Alzheimer’s. It’s Alzheimer’s and we all know it, his father died of it and it can be genetic.

  5. All parts of the “doesn’t renewable energy suck compared to just polluting fossil fuels without care?” narrative.

    All GOP talking points are “doesn’t living in a society suck?” level complaints.

    48% of Americans agree.

  6. RamonaQ-JunieB on

    He’s totally nuts. Why anyone would vote for this idiot is beyond rational comprehension.

  7. MooseAlternative4341 on

    Trumps vendetta against windmills is like Don Quixote 2.0 except instead of battling imaginary giants hes tilting at clean energy. His claim that windmills cause TV outages or are too expensive sounds more like something u would hear in a sitcom than from a former president. At this point you have to wonder if a windmill just personally offended him at some point. Maybe one spun the wrong way while he was teeing off at his golf course!

  8. Different_Lychee_409 on

    The genesis of Trumps windmill fixation is all to do with his shitty Scottish golf course. He’s pissed off the Scottish Government allowed an off shore wind farm adjacent to his course thus spoiling the view. It’s that petty.

  9. No matter how much he rambles, rage or lies, no matter how incoherent and confused he seems, half of the country still wants to hand the man the power to start a nuclear war. Just unbelievable

  10. justhavingfunMT on

    The saddest and scariest part of this is that there are MAGA wing nuts that will believe, repeat and spread this nonsense.

  11. “so slowly”

    Trump simply doesn’t understand how things scale. Large wind turbines today have blades around 100 meters in length. At that size, the blade tip travels 660 meters with every rotation. Even at a very slow 2 RPM the tips are doing 75 kph (46 mph). This is simple 6th grade math folks. It’s not really rocket science.

    Virtually none of his rant makes sense. The audience is quiet, but is that from boredom or disbelief? If grandad was talking like this from his rocker his middle-aged kids would be in the other room discussing options for long term care.

  12. Windmills mill things like corn or wheat. Wind turbines are the actual things he moans about.

    Is a hydro plant a water mill now?

  13. JeffSteinMusic on

    I really don’t understand what’s so funny or amusing about this when 46%-47% of the country appears ready to vote for this *for the third freaking time*.

  14. VaguelyArtistic on

    Just to bring the focus back around, Trump’s beef with windmills started because Scotland was going to install windmills offshore near his golf course. So he made up a whole thing to try to stop it and was literally laughed out of Parliament.

    Amy Hoggart did an *amazing* piece about this on Samantha Bee. It’s hilarious, and [I think the Scots may hate him more than us](https://youtu.be/3pbTmXsfiYk). It’s really worth a watch.

  15. Trump doesn’t even know the difference between windmills and wind turbines. Those are wind turbines. Windmills use the power of moving wind to grind grain or directly power another machine like a water pump. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of moving wind into electrical energy that is then transmitted to power other items. They are not the same thing.

  16. It’s a testament to the incompetence of his administration that, despite their best efforts, they were unable to thwart the significant building out of sustainable energy in the US, which exceeded even the most conservative projections. And on a day when a huge part of Florida has been devastated by a hurricane that was reported to be more intense due to exceptionally warm waters of the Gulf, I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise that this bozo has no qualms about continuing to pander to his uneducated cult against forms of energy generation that are vital to the future of the US.

  17. hillbillyspellingbee on

    You have to be a straight up FUCKWIT to not know how solar, wind, and hydro power work. 

    They are used to supplement each other and to supplement fossil fuels. 

    Your electricity doesn’t just turn off if it’s not sunny or windy. 

    Fuckwit. No other word. Your wits are nothing but pure fuck, if you believe Trump. 

  18. ““The wind, the wind, it sounds so wonderful. The wind, the wind, the wind is, the wind is bullshit, I’ll tell you,” he said.

    The crowed roared.”

    Hilary was right.

  19. Right-wing media channels are curating to not show his mental decline. They know how to propaganda.

  20. ShanklyGates_2022 on

    I still can’t believe we have a Presidential Candidate that is actually tilting at windmills. He really is Don Quixote with absolutely none of the redeeming qualities and all of the idiocy and narcissism

  21. But they perked up when he dropped a bad word.

    “The wind, the wind, it sounds so wonderful. The wind, the wind, the wind is, the wind is bullshit, I’ll tell you,” he said.

    The crowed roared.

    Commenters have noticed his speeches are getting more vulgar.

  22. No!!!! I don’t want to see …hear … or think about this weird freak anymore. Make him go away!