Would you be interested in observations on some of the more complex “lego” technic building blocks? The kits are for a few euros compared to the original, and even though I struggled with some, I managed to finish it successfully. Perhaps there would be people interested in this info + links to verified manufacturers. I don’t even know if it’s ok to post it here, so let me know. 🙂 I’m currently putting together Defender (on the photo), when I finish it, I’ll make a summary, for those who are interested but don’t know whether to start it. Good evening. 😉


Posted by Traditional-Act1373


  1. Ale jasné, prečo nie.. lego som ako decko miloval a furt tak nejak pokukujem keď výjde niečo šialené.. len tie ceny no..

  2. samprotivsetkym on

    Ja by som isiel do toho (original Lego), akurat by som to nemal kde skladovat. Aj teraz mam doma F1 McLaren model a len na to pada prach a nemam to komu dat.