Harris tops Trump by 4 points in new national poll



  1. Ah, a good poll for Harris. We needed that.

    Throw it onto the pile and keep working to get her elected.

  2. I really would not be surprised if she out performs Biden 2020 when the results land despite the sky is falling in PA

  3. Now that Obama is out campaigning, I look for polls to continue to look better for Harris.

  4. theassassintherapist on

    This is actually depressing. A convicted felon and rapist is only trailing a clean candidate by 4%. How did america fall so low?

  5. Is the popular vote or electoral college? It seems pretty obvious she will win the popular but the last couple elections have proven that doesn’t mean victory…

  6. PopeHonkersXII on

    The buzz today around is that Harris’ numbers have collapsed and that Trump has wrapped up the election. A lot of this is based on “leaked internal polls” from Trump’s campaign showing him absolutely crushing Harris in every swing state. 

     It seems to be a coordinated attempt by the right wing to just claim that Trump is cruising to an easy victory to either 1. Claim it was stolen again or 2. Thinking that vibes will win the day. I think that’s why we are seeing articles about how the GOP is 100% confident Trump will win by a large margin and why Trump is campaigning in blue states. They are trying to project extreme confidence and inevitability. We’ll see if the sugar rush approach to winning an election actually works but I doubt it 

  7. These polls are all within the margin of error and utterly meaningless (besides attracting eyeballs and therefore revenue). The only thing that is pretty clear that this election will be at least as messy as the last one

  8. overeasyeggplant on

    Reading this article about Harris’s growing lead and looking at the lead recommeded article on the same site – saying ‘ Democrats in panic mode’ shows how meaningless all this polling and reporting is.

  9. I keep seeing “don’t get complacent”.  That’s the wrong message, because it suggests there is a reason to be complacent. 

    Swing states are very close.  Decent chance Trump is ahead here.  Stop assuming that Kamala is winning 

  10. But Trump is closing in on Kamala in Pennsylvania. Please volunteer or donate. Voting is not enough.

  11. It doesn’t matter where she is nationally polling, what matters is the swing states. [Polling in pretty much every swing state, including Pennsylvania, has shown they’re effectively deadlocked neck in neck,](https://preview.redd.it/n2xh4intmwtd1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c9ac2dfb8c168bf473a1eaa23741a5cb2a072dd) with Trump marginally leading in most.

    National poll results like these are encouraging, but they don’t win elections.

    If you’re in a swing state, you need to get out and vote and encourage anyone you know who even remotely cares about the future of the country to vote as well. This election is on a razors edge and has been for a while going by the polls. The most likely outcome from the simulations done is a sweep of all swing states by either Trump or Harris. You can’t afford to be complacent or be fooled by national averages.

  12. For context: Five percent of registered voters were unsure, while 1 percent were in favor of Jill Stein, 1 percent said they would not vote and another 1 percent supported other candidates. Cornel West received no support.

    Ninety-five percent of Democrats plan to vote for Harris, alongside 38 percent of independents and 6 percent of Republicans. Ninety percent of Republicans say they will cast their ballot for Trump, in addition to 40 percent of Independents and 2 percent of Democrats. 

  13. What should be worrying is a series of Emerson Polls showing a slight Trump advantage in Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc

  14. notyomamasusername on

    1) National Polls don’t matter, the country doesn’t care who gets more votes

    2) Polls don’t matter, just register and vote

    3) Its still a tight, tight race with the EC and she’s still an underdog; go vote.

  15. Ninety-five percent of Democrats plan to vote for Harris, alongside 38 percent of independents and 6 percent of Republicans. The vice president is supported by 89 percent of liberals, 51 percent of moderates and 8 percent of conservatives.

    Ninety percent of Republicans say they will cast their ballot for Trump, in addition to 40 percent of Independents and 2 percent of Democrats. The former president’s base comprises 88 percent of conservatives, 36 percent of moderates and 5 percent of liberals.

    Interesting that they think there are more liberals voting for Trump than Conservatives voting for Harris. With that kind of metric they should reference a poll with the same kind of sample from this time in 2020 to see what the metrics were like then. If there are more liberals voting for Trump now than in 2020, I find the metrics by which they weight the generalized conclusions to be suspect. Trump has not won over any liberals in the past 4 years. This is what the focus of the polling data should be. I hate that we get there polls with absolutely no reference to anything.

  16. I see everyone talking about how Hillary was +16 in the polls when after the election just about every pollster talked about how bad they fucked up their polling. Comparing 2016 polling to now is apples to oranges. Hell comparing 2020 polling to now is apples to oranges. So much has happened and polling has changed a ton since then

  17. The_Frostweaver on

    Just a reminder Hillary Clinton won every debate and was up by a lot in the polls. Trump still won in 2016. Gotta vote like your life depends on it!

  18. NeitherCook5241 on

    Harris is a hard working winner. 🥇 I am confident she’ll return American politics to some degree of normalcy. I’ve already voted and am looking forward to volunteering 🫡


    The popular vote needs to be a landslide victory. Time to send a message that we aren’t standing for this sickness any longer.

  20. Sweetieandlittleman on

    538 has a bunch of polls with Trump ahead today, including in PA. I’m getting an ulcer. Please vote, volunteer and vote blue. I truly am distressed that we are on the razor’s edge of an authoritarian dictatorship.

  21. It’s easy to get caught up in the doom and gloom right now but honestly Trump is not going to win. Dems have been out performing since 2018. 2020 was an absolute layup for Trump and he lost. 2022 called for a red wave across the country but instead Dems got some big wins state side, got the Senate (by one seat but still) and only lost a couple house seats. Early voting has already started and we’re seeing high turnout. Polls are mattering less and less as we near election day so stop worrying about them. This probably sounds naive but fuck the polls they don’t decide elections.

  22. Global_Box_7935 on

    That’s not enough. It’ll never be enough, because he shouldn’t even be able to run in the first place. That being said, good job. Let’s keep it up, make that margin too big to steal.