DOJ proposes breakup and other big changes to end Google search monopoly


  1. This is all noise.

    The government is going to settle on a nominal fine for Google, probably around 1% annual earnings, and then walk away.

  2. the_red_scimitar on

    This worked really well in 1982’s breakup of Bell Systems from AT&T. Achieved the result of much competition, spurring the rise of competative long distance phone services, and the crashing of long distance phone prices (some people won’t believe paying more than $1/minute, in 1982, for long distance phone call within the US).

  3. tyrannynotcool on

    There exist rich men who want total control.

    They throw at us a stream of distractions.

    But we all have our own eyes, ears, and brains with which to keep our own part.

  4. Google fan boys who are upset about this are so weird, all of the major tech companies need a wake up call they have been working with basically zero regulation for too long