Why are Democrats tarred as elites when the world’s richest man funds Trump? | US politics | The Guardian



  1. randomnighmare on

    It’s not just Trump and his donors/backers. It’s the Republican Party in geo. I would say it’s partly due to viewing the Democrats as snotty academics and it’s also partially due to literally movies and TV shows to pushed the stereotype.


    Also viewing religious people as more “real” as well. Also, remember that their was a push during W’s time trying to say that the rural places are the “Real America” and anyone living in the major cities were elitist living in ivory towers. It’s a zeitgeist thing, imo.

  2. They have the massive advantage of requiring no adherence to logic, consistency or facts to make their arguments.

    All they need is the fear, hate, anger and greed to align with the world they’ve created.

  3. Fickle_File2062 on

    Robert Reich argues that Democrats have abandoned economic populism, enabling Republicans to dominate with cultural populism. He compares today’s extreme inequality to the first Gilded Age, suggesting that a stronger anti corporate stance from figures like Kamala Harris could enhance their campaigns. Reich critiques the Republican focus on cultural issues, claiming it distracts from critical problems like wealth concentration. He urges Democrats to confront corporate power and reclaim the economic populist narrative to reconnect with voters.

  4. Wait, hasn’t trump been an elite his entire life though….he’s like the classic NYC 5th avenue mega rich dude…

  5. Because PR and marketing works and the republican party has spent a long time trying to appeal to the more blue-collar demographic, especially in stuff like agriculture and industry. Either way I imagine politicians on both sides are much better off than the majority of Americans.

  6. Elite doesn’t just mean the rich and wealthy. If it meant that that’s what people would say. Elite = educated people. That’s the dog whistle.

  7. Propaganda networks owned by the rich and powerful convincing the most gullible of us that this is true.

  8. Because Republican donors want you to believe it.

    Keep saying it and the dumbest will believe it first, then they’ll fight like hell, because they’re dumb. Those text books lack of anything factual are starting to kick in.

  9. Because Elon isn’t like the elites, he’s trying to bring down the establishment with God emperor trump, OBVIOUSLY 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😤😤😤😤😤😤😤🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

  10. Haven’t you noticed the fundraising numbers, .. you don’t really think that’s because people are donating $5 from their paycheck in Pennsylvania for Democrats, do you ?

    The Republican Party is now a rural party, and the Democratic Party is now the party of tech moguls, huge law firms, advertising, etc, in the cities. It just is.

    Of course there are rich Republicans, .. but there are WAY MORE rich Democrats.

    ActBlue is even under investigation in 19 states because it has (allegedly) been used to launder campaign money. There have been a bunch of journalists approaching regular citizens about their contributions of 5 and 6 figures, and the citizens are telling the journalists that they didn’t make those contributions. Big Democratic Party money is apparently (allegedly) donating huge amounts of money using individual donors names without their knowledge.

  11. Uhhh_what555476384 on

    Because American conservatives are trying to redefine “elite” to mean “educated” or “with subject matter expertise” so that when Democrats rely on expertise the “common folks” with “common sense” don’t have to be governed by “elites” who everyone knows get it all wrong anyway.

  12. Because Trump is an idiot and he appeals to other idiots who don’t like being told they’re wrong by smarter people.

  13. Oh that’s an easy one, that’s cuz they are elites. Kamala is a millionaire for instance. The Speaker of the House for as long as I can remember, Pelosi, was so rich it made my nose bleed.

    That’s the nature of our system – only truly wealthy and connected individuals can hope to win major office, aside from the occasional exception like AOC. They’re definitely mostly well-educated members of the capitalist class, denying that just because the GOP also runs elites is silly.

  14. Substantial_Pie_2400 on

    TBH Democrats really need to stop tiptoeing around and start calling out the billionaires and corporations running the show. It’s what people are waiting to hear.

  15. Because the media in America is owned and run by conservatives and they promote republican propaganda, starting with the lie that the media is left wing.

  16. UFOsBeforeBros on

    Apparently, Trump and Vance are the only ticket in history where both have Ivy League degrees.

  17. DeadbeatJohnson on

    Easy. Basic respect for others and decorum have been labeled as ‘political correctness’. An authority figure gives them the green light to bring their racism and misogyny out into the open. Suddenly, they can be both ‘tough’ and the ‘victim’ at the same time; their failures are not their fault, it’s someone else.

  18. TriflingHotDogVendor on

    If I have to deal with Elon becoming Dork Maga, can I at least get the side effect of maga nation driving Teslas as the official new automobile of their movement? Just accelerate the EV movement? They can drive that stupid cyber truck. It suits them well.

  19. poppa_slap_nuts on

    Because Democrats started listening to their progressive wing a little *too much* in the past 6 years and it’s begun to alienate working class voters — a group that traditionally was *strong* for Democrats.

    Shutting down pipelines, revoking leases on new oil drilling, and calling for *the banning of Fracking* is hip among affluent, white, Liberals; but to pretty much everyone else it’s a bad idea.

  20. porgy_tirebiter on

    Elite means something else to MAGAers. How could it not? The monied elites are either Republicans or play both sides. For MAGA elite means Hollywood or academia.

  21. Also specifically the “coastal elite” label is thrown at democrats while their pick for president is literally a florida country club owner who shits in golden toilets

  22. They don’t mean elite as in “people who are richer than them”, they mean it as in “people who are better than them”.

    Trump isn’t an elite, because he isn’t better than his voters. He just has more money.

  23. The same reason republicans can refuse FEMA funds and blame dems for the lack of funds.

    The same reason they can strip women’s rights and tell their base they’re the party of freedom.

    The same reason they can kill a border bill and complain about the border.

    Republican voters are idiots.

  24. Populism only thrives when you have a common enemy up top that is both strong and weak, as well as a common enemy below you that is both weak and dangerous 

  25. It’s because they figured out that terms like “coastal elite”, “Hollywood elite”, “globalists” are a lot easier to sell to the masses than just saying “Jews”.