Hello people,
I’m making this post to get the word out about a situation involving the high school I graduated from.
I am a graduate of NPMG "Academician Lyubomir Chakalov". This is a high school with an exceptional student and teacher environment. The case that happened briefly is the following: Jasnovidka thinks that her child should not repeat the 9th grade, because he hardly studied in SMG. I am paraphrasing of course, but if you read the case you will see even more absurd and outrageously stupid things. I say this from the position of a person who studied there 6 months ago and I guarantee you that if the boy has a couple, he deserves it.
The problem is not in the scandal itself, no matter how absurd it is, but in the fact that this story is distorted by the media and damages the prestige of my high school, and above all it is used by politicians such as the People’s Representative from the Revival party Angel Yanchev, who extremely brazenly expressed himself "There are problems in NPMG. With us."in order to campaign and push their law against "the promotion of non-traditional sexual orientations" or as they called it there (and which I consider absolutely meaningless). This, in my opinion, is completely wrong and I implore you to read the things in the provided links at the bottom and if possible you also give publicity to the case. If you wish, use #Nepipaymoyatagimnasia. Thank you!
Posted by ChillTCF