Trump secretly sent Putin COVID-19 tests during pandemic shortage, a new book reports


  1. Which state did he steal them from? Can we tack this onto the pile of evidence for why he should be imprisoned forever?

  2. SoundSageWisdom on

    As a Frontline healthcare professional, who spent 12 hours a day in the goddamn gear six days a week for over two years, I’m fucking pissed.

  3. For fuck’s sake. It still confuses me that the Republicans have become the party of Russia, but it’s pretty undeniable at this juncture.

  4. A sitting President diverting medical supplies from Americans to Russia and then hiding it really should be an impeachable and imprisonable offense. His actions amounted to treason.

  5. Free-Bird-199- on

    He also provided Putin with a list of America’s spies.

    You all remember how he’s disparaged our CIA agents.

  6. VladtheInhaler999 on

    This really should anger many Americans reading this. Considering that Trump’s government was initially [refusing to supply states with medical equipment necessary.]( Trump was looking out for his terrorist bestie over the livelihood of the American citizens he was elected to preside over.

    If covid was so “fake” like his cult made it out to be, why would Putin want covid testing devices? Sounds like Putin definitely knew covid was a threat.

  7. love_is_an_action on

    This is the same man who directed federal authorities to literally seize PPE and other medical supplies from the states of [California](, [Massachusetts](, [Colorado and Washington]( during the early Covid response.

    It is little surprise that he was robbing US citizens all throughout the global pandemic, lining his pockets and licking the boots of his allies.

  8. Of course the disease he caught and was vaccinated against but warned people was not a big deal while having his kids sell tests and sending them to his close friends.

    Keep in mind this was for Putin’s personal usage (likely for his close associates as well) but Russia also claims to have had the fifth most Covid testing done in the world. It’s probable the tests they used for regular Russians were just bunk.

  9. sanguine_asparagus on

    I worked my ass off in a lab 16 hours a day sometimes 7 days a week making extra ventilator valves for Medtronic during early covid while that asshole was sending testing machines to putin. Fuck. Him.

  10. He was in office only a few months a week before he gave the Russian Ambassador some of the most highly classified information we had. demonstrating that the new U.S. President was Russia’s bitch and intelligence sharing agreements between the U.S. and its allies weren’t worth the paper they were written on. no U.S. journalists were allowed at the meeting but a Russian photographer was.

  11. MyDyingRequest on

    Notice how a certain conservative reddit group is silent? They aren’t even discussing the accusation. I know those MAGAs will just dismiss this as fake news regardless. Then project the exact opposite. They are now convinced that we’ve always been allies with Russia and China.

  12. flux_of_grey_kittens on

    May he rot in prison for the rest of his miserable life after this election is over.

  13. This means nothing to his supporters, absolutely nothing the also love Putin. RT is the most honest news organization in the world 🤮

  14. This POS was telling Americans we test too much. Now we know why. He wanted to send more test kits to Russia.

  15. JadeSpeedster1718 on

    How is it this man, who is a traitor to his own people and country, still able to run for president!? Had this been a democrat person, they’d be tossed in their ass a while ago! How the fuck is Trump still here?!

    Edit: Gotta say though, Biden’s reaction to Bibi has been… wow if that man really said that.

  16. Civil-Addendum4071 on

    Are you fucking kidding me?

    He left ***hundreds of thousands of Americans for dead because they happened to live in blue states.*** And then we hear this, years later. I feel like there’s a point where it just stops being political, this bastard needs to see the consequences of his actions before he dies.

  17. timeforknowledge on

    It’s this from the same publisher that put out a book which claimed to have proof trump was working with Russia?

    So ridiculous… I can’t believe people are so blinded but hate they believe this shit

    The fact that this is being revealed in a book and not by a news outlet should really show you how fake this is…