David Crisafulli announces ‘reset camps’ for youth ‘at risk’ of criminal behaviour

Posted by 2littleducks


  1. Dazzling-Camel8368 on

    That sounds like something else that ended because of some very very bad happenings.

  2. The LNP never changes. Once you get past the pithy slogans like “Adult Crime, Adult Time”, their policies boil down to some border-line fascist shit.

  3. They never have anything beyond the headline. Just the same old tired shit that has never worked anywhere.

  4. Evening-Demand7271 on

    This whole thing is horrible but the most egregious aspect was:
    “The reset program would also be aimed at the siblings of young people in the youth justice system, and those who have disengaged from school, who are considered at risk of becoming criminalised.”

    You can’t deprive people of their liberty based on their siblings’ action. You just can’t.

  5. Jessica_White_17 on

    I’m so sick of this man and his obsession with youth crime.
    I could say so much but man what’s the point of outlining all the issues of this when the boomers eat this bullshit up even though they don’t know anything.
    I have worked with adults in the justice system, as well as kids in the youth justice system and kids in out of home care. I know this is not the answer. But no one actually cares about the experts opinions, dickheads like crisafuckface are listened to because it’s music to idiots ears.
    I love how siblings are going to be apart of this, so let’s just assume because us brother or sister offends, you will to!!

    Also – ‘Crisafulli said the program would focus on “education, discipline, counselling … and above all, consequence for action”.‘ – consequence for being at risk of criminal behaviour? So we’re imposing consequences for kids who haven’t even committed an offence????

  6. Why do right wingers hate freedom? Depriving someone of their liberty because their brother or sister committed a crime, or because some Queensland cop thinks they may commit a crime in future? Fucking disgusting.

    Guess how many Nudgee College kids who’s brother is arrested for selling pingas will be rounded up?

  7. There was another politician that leaned to the right who rose to power who had tremendous camps set up.

    But that was a hundred years ago who cares

  8. The previous failed Newman government attempt at this showed this rehab style approach is no more effective than sending them to detention centres.

    So why bother, just send them there and be done with it. No need to introduce something new, just put them away a while 

  9. Chuck in a heavy amount of religion might make a couple more LNP voters.

    So, out lawing abortion a possibility, more austerity, fucking us over for companies to dig up coal faster the Labor is and reeducation camps for the youth. Nice. Can’t wait for idiots of the state to vote these guys in. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

  10. I love when politicians announce camps, nothing ever goes wrong when politicians announce camps.

  11. Fresh-Ice-2635 on

    There are like 4 social programs off the top of my head that would work better than this