As Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine approaches its 1,000th day, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has reiterated his call for Russia to immediately end the attack and abide by its international obligations to protect civilians.

At the UN Human Rights Council’s briefing on Tuesday, Volker Türk, the head of UN human rights protection, highlighted the widespread destruction and violations of international law characteristic of the conflict. He pointed out that July 2024 was the worst month in terms of civilian casualties since October 2022, the number of casualties in Ukraine increased significantly due to large-scale Russian attacks. Between June and August, the number of civilian casualties increased by 45% compared to the previous three months, caused by missiles, drones and airstrikes, as well as ground operations aimed at seizing additional Ukrainian territory. “At the same time, insidious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law continue to exist in detention facilities hidden from independent observers,” Türk said. Türk also expressed serious concern about the abuse of prisoners of war, especially Ukrainian soldiers.

Widespread torture of Ukrainian prisoners of war

It reported “widespread and systemic” torture of Ukrainian POWs by Russian forces, supported by documented cases of 174 Ukrainian POWs, almost all of whom reported consistent experiences of torture while in captivity. “Cases of torture happen on a daily or weekly basis. Minimal safeguards designed to prevent torture – such as prisoner communication with the outside world, access by independent observers or routine medical examinations – were absent or ineffective,” he said. “The evidence collected also suggests significant involvement and coordination between the facility’s supervisors and various agencies of the Russian Federation, such as the Federal Security Service and the Federal Penitentiary Service.” He also expressed concern about the dehumanizing rhetoric of Russian public figures who call for inhumane treatment and even the execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war, and warned that widespread amnesty laws for Russian soldiers are fueling impunity.

Violations against Russian prisoners of war

Türk also reported that some Russian prisoners of war held by the Ukrainian authorities also reported torture and sexual violence, especially during the initial stages of their captivity. “In almost all cases, torture and ill-treatment ceased when prisoners arrived at official internment sites, where conditions generally met international standards,” he said. He called on Ukraine to ensure the treatment of prisoners of war in accordance with international law “at all stages of their captivity”.

“Brutal” attacks on civilians

Türk also highlighted the ongoing Russian attacks on Ukraine’s critical energy infrastructure, which have occurred in at least four major waves over the past three months. These strikes have increasingly targeted power generation facilities, resulting in widespread power outages and raising concerns about the coming frigid winter. “It’s a cruel way to harm civilians,” he said, stressing that electricity is essential for hospitals, heating, water treatment and daily life in a highly urbanized country like Ukraine. “Electricity is nothing less than the circulation of life.” He also drew attention to the environmental damage caused by the conflict and the dangers posed by the fighting near nuclear power plants. Finally, he urged Russia to comply with its international obligations, to grant access to independent observers and to end its military offensive against Ukraine. He emphasized that on-site access is essential to establish facts and ensure accountability.

The original press release was translated into Hungarian without changes using AI.

Posted by Thick_Gap_7499

1 Comment

  1. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy a regi gulagok ujraindultak es kicsit atalakitva koncentracios taborkent mukodnek. Jelenleg ott ezrek szenvednek es majd 50 ev mulva irnak a konyvek arrol, hogy az oroszok valojaban a masodik nacik voltak.