Trump White House Cheated to Get Kavanaugh Confirmed


  1. Silent-Resort-3076 on

    >When [Brett Kavanaugh](’s nomination to the Supreme Court was rocked by a pair of allegations of past sexual misconduct, the Trump administration announced that a speedy FBI investigation would get to the bottom of what the Senate deemed “credible allegations” against the judge. 

    >At the time, [Donald Trump]( himself promised the FBI would have “free rein” to conduct its inquiry, which the Justice Department assured would be “by the book.” The FBI investigation uncovered little and Senate Republicans used it as a fig leaf to confirm the justice, with then-majority leader Sen. Mitch McConnell insisting: “The FBI report did not corroborate any of the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh.”

    >But a [new report]( from the office of Senator [Sheldon Whitehouse]( (D-R.I.) finds that the FBI investigation was “flawed and incomplete,” the agency failed to follow up on leads that could have shed light on Kavanaugh’s alleged misbehavior, and the FBI explicitly did not pursue corroborating evidence. Whitehouse chairs the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Federal Courts.

    >Far from giving the FBI “free rein,” the report finds that the Trump White House exercised “total control” over the scope of the investigation, as the administration sought to “kneecap” the FBI probe, while misleading the Senate and the public. Perhaps most egregious, calls by the public into an FBI “tip line” about Kavanaugh were never probed by the FBI. Instead, “all tips related to Kavanaugh were forwarded to the White House without investigation.”

  2. root_fifth_octave on

    So, another thing to raise suspicion besides that ridiculous sham of a confirmation hearing?

  3. I mean is this a surprise to anyone

    GQP didn’t care if the accusations were true, they just wanted their crybaby judge on the Supreme Court

  4. Theoriginallazybum on

    This kind of thinking should not be encouraged. At the time we knew they were “cheating”. It was more Republicans as a whole than anything. This kind of thinking gives these Senators an out and an excuse for what was an obviously bad vote after a sham investigation.

    It is ALL Republican Senators and the White House. Jeff Flake, Susan Collins and others should not be given any excuses and be held accountable. These people are supposed to be smart and experts and that is why they were elected in their position of power. They chose to vote for him despite the evidence because they wanted some deniability. They don’t deserve it and if it is given to them then we are to blame for our downfall.

  5. The only way forward as a country is to remove Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, ACB, and Alito from their positions. We have no real mechanism for this, so we are kinda screwed, but it must happen some how. They all occupy stolen seats.

  6. Yea no shit. Finally we have an official explanation on why this guy was rushed through even though he seemed so unqualified with tons of baggage.

    His own performance during the hearing was unqualifying of being a SCJ, holy shit.

  7. justhavingfunMT on

    You’re going to call it cheating? They committed fraud. They lied. They committed a major crime.

  8. Trump cheated on everything he did.

    There needs to be some kind of DOJ investigation into the kind of allegations with proper consequences delivered.

    These judges are hired to do the people’s business. They can’t be enemies in the camp.

  9. Maybe just maybe after the election, the FBI reopens the investigation to see what is actually there?

    If there is evidence then fair to say BK should be impeached off of SCOTUS.

  10. Green_Ad_2985 on

    Oh, the beer boofing frat boy who snivelled and lashed out emotionally during a job interview for what’s supposed to be the most impartial job in the Nation? That guy?

  11. To anyone paying attention as to why we need both the President AND Senate to fix the Supreme Court

    Gorsuch was rammed through when it should have been Garland

    Now we find out Kavanaugh they had hide information about

    And Barrett was the inverse of Gorsuch and rammed through before Biden could take office

    Do you see the problem here?

  12. What will it ACTUALLY take to see accountability from the republicans? We watched this happen then. The Feds are fucking us from both sides…

    Get rid of the fascists in 2024 and get the progressives organized to compete with dems in 2028. Get the workers organized and break the cycle!

  13. Fantastic-Safety4604 on

    Isn’t that the dude that Kamala Harris made cry in his confirmation hearing?

  14. Fucking Mitch McConnell really screwed up the United States with his political shenanigans.

  15. If his debts being mysteriously paid off before his nomination didn’t disqualify him, then nothing would have. He could have sat on putin’s lap during the hearing and the Rs in the room would have voted him in

  16. It is more clear than ever that the SCOTUS will do whatever it can to ensure Trump wins in November, because the conservative justices are clearly compromised, who have been bought and sold to the highest bidder. Trump winning is key for them not being held accountable.