Daughters to dads who support Trump: ‘You chose him over me’



  1. Ok-Variety9379 on

    It’s powerful to see daughters calling out their dads for choosing Trump over their well-being; politics shouldn’t come before family.

  2. They sure are!! Any vote for Trump is a vote against women. Nearly any vote for any Republican is a vote against women. They 100% want to turn this democracy into a theocracy. They’ll weaponize hate and ignorance towards and about anyone to make it happen.

  3. New_Escape1856 on

    It’s always heartbreaking to see a child appeal to their parent’s humanity, only to find there’s none there.

  4. This is what I think when I walk past a house in my neighborhood with two teen girls. Their parents do not care about them and I feel bad for them.

  5. snoopingforpooping on

    My neighbor has a special needs son and two daughters. AND he’s a union worker. He’s flying a Trump flag in front of his house.

  6. Professional-Can1385 on

    I’m so thankful my dad supports me and other women with his votes and by the way he just lives his life giving women the same respect he gives men.

  7. While it is poignant coming from daughters, the fact is every American can say that very same thing to a Trump supporter.

  8. Honestly. How any self-respecting man with a daughter can support any republican right now is just beyond me.

  9. A young coworker who is in her mid twenties actually said this to her father about a month ago, and her father agreed with her and said thet Trump was more important to him now than anyone but God.

    This is a man who is not even really religious, not really conservative, educated, etc. has been a huge Girl Dad all of “Jane’s life, and then drank the Kool-Aid a few years ago. When she told her mom about this, her mom said, I’ve already talked to a divorce lawyer, I’m gone. He told me he is now head of the house and I need to give him my paycheck every month.

    He has apparently given all their savings to Trump PACs, etc.

    My father is a pretty big dick, but thank God he hates Trump and that whole ilk.

  10. Unusual_Flounder2073 on

    I do not think most pro life maga understand what banning abortion means to women. It is going to be a massive awakening to these people when their wife’s and daughters are going sterile, suffering through massively painful miscarriages, and even death. I suspect many of these men and even women just never had pregnancy complications. My wife has had most of them. So I am extra attentive to it.

  11. My dad once told me (his daughter) that women don’t deserve equal rights because we ‘can’t dig ditches and do other strenuous work.’ He said my office job isn’t a ‘real job.’ When I complained that the guy at the auto shop was low-key stalking me, he said it was my fault and that I should be ashamed for ‘c*ck teasing’ him. So yeah. Talk about choosing the Maga mindset over his own daughter.

  12. Prudent-Blueberry660 on

    I’m pretty sure those dad’s who are voting for Trump saw their daughters as their property so….yeah not quite sure how effective this angle will be.

  13. Alternative_Car_3823 on

    It’s a fucking cult man, I haven’t spoken to my father in years because he was an old school hateful tea party republican that constantly belittled me growing up. I grew up with Rush Limbaugh on the radio and Fox was the only “real” news, also CNN stood for Communist News Network. I got the hell out of his house when I was 17 or so and haven’t spoken to him since.

  14. I’m always surprised at how many people are surprised at the number of parents who don’t value their own children very highly.

    Not all children are wanted.

  15. MaximumManagement765 on

    Trump not only plants to implement a federal tracking system to track women and control their sexuality, he would force his own daughter to give birth to her rapist baby because “well the man should decide what women do with their own bodies”. F trump and F Christians.

  16. There’s a TikTok out there where a girl is sitting with her parents in their living room and she’s telling them about her new boyfriend and how much she likes him. The parents are excited she’s found someone until she says, “Well, he has been charged for some crimes, and he did rape a girl once, he talks about sexually harassing women,” to which her parents start becoming concerned. She keeps going, saying “But he had a reason for doing it! He’d never do that to me. The charges are probably fake. I just really like him!”

    When her parents are *STILL* unconvinced, telling their daughter if there’s even a *chance* the boy she likes is a criminal and a rapist she shouldn’t associate with him, and that she deserves better…

    … She says “Okay *that’s* how you guys sound when you talk about Trump.”

    Her parents immediately shut down the conversation, saying “that’s not the same thing.”

  17. Man, that Lincoln Project ad is powerful. Father of 4 daughters and it was hard to fucking watch without getting emotional.

    And I hate everything about Trump! Still was tough to watch.

  18. FreeThinkers2023 on

    Sorry gals, Dads who support trump dont care about anything except themselves. Trump makes them feel better about being selfish POS’s, misogynist, bigots, racists, white nationalists, etc.

  19. Hippie_writer on

    My dad said it was okay that I almost died (ectopic pregnancy rupture post abortion ban). We are no longer on speaking terms

  20. saturatedregulated on

    My dad voted for him in 2016. I was heartbroken, and he refused to converse with me about it. My mom asked why I let it bother me so much and I said it is because now I have to view my dad very differently than I did in the past. He was always very involved, loving, respectful, etc. but that one vote stripped that view from me. My mom said she hadn’t looked at it that way and seemed to think about it.

    My dad did not vote for him in 2020, and now actively speaks about hating him. My dad is also way more willing to have a conversation about anything. He dodged death in 2018 and it changed his views on life in general. He says now he “doesn’t sweat the small stuff”. 

    My dad (75 year old white man from the Midwest) has never been openly hateful, racist, etc, so it really shocked me. Now we’ve had conversations about BLM and he said “ALL lives matter though”. I reminded him that in those moments we weren’t talking about ALL lives. We were talking about Black lives and how they’re heavily more affected by police brutality. I said to him, “if you were talking to someone about how scary your medical situation was and they said, ‘but what about so and so?’, you’d probably feel a bit dismissed. ‘so and so’ is important for sure, but that conversation was about your medical issues and your feelings”. I swear I could see the light bulb go off. 

  21. Highly, HIGHLY recommend people watch “The Brainwashing of my Dad,” a documentary on Amazon Prime and other outlets that describes how Fox News has been able to become the propaganda machine it is and how it psychologically impacts people, particularly Trump supporters.

  22. I am super lucky my Dad is a complete Trump hater. My sisters, well they love Trump so much they turned their back on my Dad and I and now he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and I had to move in with him so he could stay living in his house. My sisters don’t care and haven’t seen him since the beginning of COVID when they were banned from visiting him without a mask. But they sure are doing all they can to try and get part of his estate when he passes! Too bad for them, he buttoned that shit up before he was diagnosed and they are in for some very rude surprises! 🙌🇺🇸🙌

  23. I have a son and a daughter. I’m not voting for Trump to protect my daughter’s right to choose, but also to show my son that women are strong. Women can lead. Women are capable.